Author Topic: Swampy: it is his time now RIP little choc-o-late monster my love  (Read 368382 times)

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2653 on: August 27, 2009, 02:08:06 AM »
They used to sell them in Wilkinsons -i got mine from there -it was around £10-12 .
I use mine in the bedroom in winter -also Winson sleeps upstairs a lot (with FiFi ;) ) and they love to lie in front of it too.

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2652 on: August 26, 2009, 23:35:33 PM »
Oh gosh I never thought of them!  :-[

Beauty idea Trigger!  :hug:

Gillian just look at them cats.... not spoilt one bit!  :innocent: :Luv: :hug:

If you can get to a town shopping centre Kate, they should be a bit cheaper there!  ;) :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2651 on: August 26, 2009, 23:31:10 PM »
my cats love to lie in front of them, and they are relatively cheap to run

Oh yes, I can vouch for halogen heaters, in my house its a case of how many cats can you get in front of the heater LOL! It just seems to attract them, no matter where it is. In the pic, I'd taken it upstairs to put in my workroom - the cats were all downstairs, it only took a few minutes for them all to appear  :evillaugh:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2650 on: August 26, 2009, 14:59:58 PM »
thanks, will have a good look and get one big enough for Swampy and his mum  ;)

Vet says to stop his anti viral drops for the moment as they have irritated his eye, which they can do. Hopefully they have killed off some of the herpes but we may have to restart them again in a week or so. So we are back to fighting with him to get enough antibiotic ointment into his eye (he's always hated it as since kittenhood has had eye drops almost every day and has learnt to object!).

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2649 on: August 26, 2009, 14:28:57 PM »
if you search under halogen heater on E-Bay you will find indoor and outdoor ones, Kate

indoor one costs £16.99 inc postage

my cats love to lie in front of them, and they are relatively cheap to run
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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2648 on: August 26, 2009, 13:15:00 PM »
Halogen heaters give off loads of heat  and I have one a bit like 5 or 6 and think thats what trigger was recommending. Mine  has a remote and turns from side to side and you can have any number of bars on and will also go off if knocked.

The back of them reflects the heat outwards, you use them indoors and I think that an outside wall mounted one is more like a light and thats not the right type.

Have to say mine was far cheaper than any of those amazon ones and the big stores, even tescoes will sell them in another month or so.

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2647 on: August 26, 2009, 12:48:15 PM »
what about no 16 on this list? We'd have to wall mount it outside, somewhere where it could be easily removed if spotted by nasty neighbour and it looks like it could be used indoors too, so we could make a section of the bedroom with his towel and maybe a fan and this and see if it fools him. He may be old and have a bit of dementia, but fooling him isn't easy!

I assume any of the other indoor ones would give off some heat - maybe to 1m away? I can't put him too close but if it's not warm and cozy he will just wonder where he is and start wandering off.

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2646 on: August 26, 2009, 11:12:44 AM »
one of those cheap halogen heaters would give off warmth, and if he has any residual sight they glow beautifully - and go off if they are tipped over, so are very safe

and they're sold everywhere
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Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2645 on: August 26, 2009, 11:01:39 AM »
Sorry to hear his eye is no better (sounds worse) with the new expensive drops... Could you not ring the vet as most would prob say to stop using as they sound more bad than good?  ;) :hug:

What about one of those facial solarium's, obviously not straight on top of him... far enough away as not to harm him?  ;) :hug: :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2644 on: August 26, 2009, 08:21:20 AM »
Yes I'm wondering how best to try to fool him and may try today as it looks not too good around here.  The issue is how to create the warmth as that's what makes him relax. Can you still get those old fashioned 2 bar heaters as that's all I can think of that would radiate a bit of instant heat for him.

I'm hoping too to speak to the vet later about his eye.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2643 on: August 26, 2009, 06:52:15 AM »
Very good idea Bazsmum.  Poor little Swamper.  His eye must be very uncomfortable.  I think whether or not your vet's too chuffed Kate, if you want to tackle him about it, then he should be prepared to consider it as a possibility.  Sending hugs for you and Swampy.  :hug: :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2642 on: August 25, 2009, 23:55:33 PM »
Swampy's eye isn't good. It's got all red inside, inflamed and hard to open. I don't know if it's the expensive Moorfields' anti viral drop that has inflamed it or the drop in the no of times giving him antibiotic ointment. We just gave antibiotic ointment tonight, not the other one but it was hard to get his eye open to do it.
With a long weekend coming, poor little guy may need another vet visit although the vet will probably not like the idea that the fancy drops have caused a problem. I just hope we can sort it out as although his ulcer was still there, his eye generally was looking not too bad.

If it's herpes caused (he's had herpes all his life since cat flu twice as a kitten) then the anti viral drops were supposed to cure the ulcer. It's so difficult to know what to do. He's just got it shut, not rubbing it or anything but we noticed a discharge in the last 2 days and the inflammation is new as well.

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2641 on: August 24, 2009, 13:42:53 PM »
Glad he is still eating Kate and the drop in the BP meds have made him more alert!  :Luv: :hug:

With ref to stimulating him when the weather turns... Could you not bring a bit of the outside in to him (if you know what I mean) bring some of the plants inside, get a little breeze going with a fan etc.... As touch and smell will be his strong points!  :Luv: :hug:

I would also leave Max's litter tray where it is as that just may confuse him!  ;) :hug: :hug:

Keep up the good work... Thinking of you both and will have a special thought going out at 3pm today!  :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2640 on: August 24, 2009, 12:40:22 PM »
silly mum took Swampy out for 1 1/2 hours, then when I brought him in (Ok he was under his IFAW brolly but still) he was a bit groggy and his legs went a bit whoops sideways. But he seems better after a plate of Hi Life and a cuddle.
I cut his bp meds a tiny bit yesterday and last night he was a bit more active, arriving in the kitchen at one point to pee in Max's tray (which I've still not been able to move). And looking for food. The trouble is, lower meds mean he may get agitated, but 1/4 Istin means he gets a bit too sedated. It's really tricky to get it exactly right. The antibiotics seem to have helped though although I know soon they will make his head spin, then he'll have to come off them for a while. He's still snorty and blocked nose, but seems to be coping better with it. Hasn't put on any of the weight he lost though, although has been eating better for a few days.

I'm looking for ideas to stimulate the brain of the Most Loved Elderly One when we can't get outside. August's been really good but it won't last. Any ideas?

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2639 on: August 22, 2009, 21:32:07 PM »
Eucalyptus oil in a burner is good too!  ;)

Glad he is eating, enjoying some sunshine on the balcony and giving you and him some good quality time together... definitely long may it continue!  ;) :Luv: :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2638 on: August 22, 2009, 15:57:57 PM »
Just caught up with this again Kate, sending lots of sunshine your way for Swampy to enjoy :Luv: and tons of positive vibes for him and hugs for you and OH :hug: :hug: :hug:
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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2637 on: August 21, 2009, 19:47:36 PM »
Just got his blood results back. Creatinine 333, urea 17.9, white cells up (from his cold), a bit more anaemic, liver ok, phosphorus 1.75 so normal, albumin 25.4.  I am to continue on 100mls a day sub cuts and to try to take him on the roof when possible as he needs some stimulation - which we do already of course.

If he's really snotty, we may try bisolvon next week but the vet thinks Olbas is ok and also menthol crystals as long as the solution is weak and not too close to his nose. The only good news is that the expensive anti viral eye drops don't irritate him at all so we can give them 4x a day and they may help his herpes in general.

He ate a little bit this afternoon and has had about 1/2 can k/d today which is a lot better than he was doing the last 2 days. Long may it continue. Thanks to everyone for reading  :hug:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2636 on: August 21, 2009, 14:21:34 PM »
poor Swampy - hope he manages to keep on eating, glad he got some sunshine this afternoon!

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2635 on: August 21, 2009, 14:17:46 PM »
Positive vibes for Swampy's blood results Kate!  :wish: :hug: :hug:

Im glad he has ate, Im sure his sleepiness is a mix of all those things....  :Luv: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2634 on: August 21, 2009, 14:14:44 PM »
Could you put plaque off on his food Kate to help with the teeth maybe?

they are so horrible that he really needs a dental but we don't think he would survive it.  If it gets so that he can't eat, I am going to ask if he could have some type of mini dental done under valium sedation as he had a big dose of that last september and he was fine on it (Ok that was a year ago but....). The antibiotics are supposed to help with his mouth too as they are broad spectrum. He was booked in for a dental 3 years ago but then had liver disease and couldn't have an op then either. Vet says it's a great pity that he actually chews food, much better to vacuum it like most cats.

He had an hour in the sun today but is very dozy. I took him a hand held plate of k/d at 5am and he ate it, but he wasn't going to get up to look for any. Sleepy little man. Some of it is age, some his anaemia, some his cold but we think it is also the meds that help his vestibular disease that make him very calm. At the vets they prepared for the worst when taking his blood (he's been known to snap needles off and have to come back another day in the past!) but he just raised his chin and let them take a syringe full.

I'm waiting for the results, either tonight or monday.

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2633 on: August 21, 2009, 10:01:37 AM »
Glad everything went well for Swampy with ref to the journey and visit! Im also glad that he has had a little something to eat.... Keep up the brilliant work for your Mummy and daddy and most of all yourself!  :Luv: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2632 on: August 21, 2009, 08:57:15 AM »
 :hug: :hug: :hug: lots of vibes for you

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2631 on: August 21, 2009, 08:50:00 AM »
Could you put plaque off on his food Kate to help with the teeth maybe?

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2630 on: August 20, 2009, 20:43:01 PM »
 :hug: :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2629 on: August 20, 2009, 18:52:20 PM »
OH came home, we put him in his big wire carrier and it went smoothly. He allowed blood to be taken too. He was hyper when he got home but then I managed to get a little plate of k/d (tablespoon) down him which is good. The vet thinks though that his cold will just get worse now, with his kidneys and age. Also his ulcer isn't better as he thought it was when he looked with a torch on monday. So we have to give him some anti viral eye drops which are going to irritate the eye but they 'may' help both the ulcer and his nose.

He has to stay on daily steroids again now to see if it keeps him eating, as low a dose as I can get to work, and at least 2 antibiotics a day for 10 days. But the vet said his heart sounds not bad and his coat is good. I'm going to put my head down in the bed with him now as he is a bit jumpy with the little adventure! At least it's only 5 mins down the road.

thanks for the good wishes for him and his horrible car journey.  :hug:

btw vet said Swampy's teeth are truly horrible and that isn't helping - so he also needs the antibiotics for that. He thinks he is one of the rare (his words) cats who chews his food and doesn't just vacuum it down. So he'll have to eat soft pate type stinky stuff from now on.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 18:55:02 PM by swampmaxmum »

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2628 on: August 20, 2009, 18:47:33 PM »
Kate, hoping all went smothly with the car journey, and sending much love to you and darling Swampy.

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2627 on: August 20, 2009, 13:54:13 PM »
Loads of healing vibes to Swampy and calming vibes for the car journey.
Hope everything goes wel for him  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2626 on: August 20, 2009, 13:52:56 PM »
 :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2625 on: August 20, 2009, 13:49:31 PM »
Vet is too busy to come until monday and tomorrow has ops or consults all day so if Swampy was put in hospital, he'd just sit there unsupervised.  So I asked if we could rig up a home drip and maybe we can, if Swampy still won't eat by later today.
Our thinking is that if he has bloods and they show his kidneys have failed, then putting him in hospital won't help.  I tend to think it is a cold that he has caught on top of his normal snuffling. That may be able to get better.

Anyhow please send all the vibes around as for the first time since his accident last September, Swampy has to go to the vet in a car in order to be seen. He is going down at 5.30 or whatever turns out to be the last appointment of the day today. I am terrified.

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2624 on: August 20, 2009, 13:34:35 PM »
Sometime peeps in professions can be so heartless without realising how you are affected by their words....  :hug:

Im sending positive, healing vibes to Swampy and you all~~~~~~~ :Luv: :hug: :hug:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2623 on: August 20, 2009, 09:45:01 AM »
I imagine the vet is just trying to prepare you for the worst, doesn't mean it will happen

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2622 on: August 20, 2009, 09:37:58 AM »
Swampy's still only eating a few tiny nibbles. The vet says he can't come until monday to see him and that we should consider a drip in hospital if the steroids don't pick him up and the antibiotics for his nose. I just don't know how my little deaf/blind boy would cope in hospital. At home I hold his plate for him to eat and it would all be so stressful.  He has home vet visits to avoid the stress.  A drip may help but there's no guarantee it would help as we aren't sure what is causing the problem, which is so sudden. I asked about his mouth being sore and he says Swampy would still eat. I wish we could rig up a drip at home.

The vet goes on about how Swampy is old and has renal and herpes issues so a sudden deterioration can be expected. But although he's only eating a tiny bit and has lost 200g, Swampy's mood is good (he is not depressed so don't think it's caused by his missing Max), his coat is good and he's not drinking tons or peeing a lot either. The vet says we must prepare ourselves for a possible double loss of our boys in quick succession. I don't think I can bear it.
I love Swampy more than my own life and would swim the world's oceans if it would help him.

Please please send your prayers and vibes that he starts eating better and rallies again to be how he was just last week.

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2621 on: August 19, 2009, 13:03:18 PM »
We weighed Swampy this morning before his fluids and he has suddenly lost 200g in weight, since the weekend and is down to 4.3kgs.  He's not been eating well since sunday and his steroids yesterday didn't help his appetite either. Last night he got up to pee but for the first time he showed no interest in food. He is behaving normally, or in fact, he is so sweet that it's unbelievable, even let me turn him on his back and kiss his bald tum which he's not done since going blind. But he just licks half heartedly at food, even Applaws isn't interesting. I have booked the vet to take his blood on monday but I am so scared. After losing Max, I am so terrified that he will go quickly. I couldn't bear it.

His weight was stable all last week at 4.5 kgs.

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2620 on: August 18, 2009, 18:15:28 PM »
Not easy at all!  :Crazy:

You may be right he may not of noticed as yet as they wer'nt spending as much time together of late.... Do try and remember though that with his dementia thoughts/memories will pop out of his head as quickly as they come in.... Im sure the extra time with him will help you both through this!  ;)

Thinking of you all Kate, I hope today was a peaceful day for you and your OH... I know this is very, very early on and your wounds are at present deep.... The wounds do heal over Kate.... Your memories will last forever!  :care: :grouphug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2619 on: August 18, 2009, 18:07:34 PM »
I don't know. He is happy enough today but is off his food. Only nibbling or licking with not much being vacuumed up. It could be he feels full as he is well hydrated. But I can't underhydrate him to get him to eat. Not easy.
I don't think he has realised about Max yet.

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2618 on: August 18, 2009, 03:29:50 AM »
Thinking of you all and sending positive, healing vibes~~~~~~ Swampy's reaction may not have been as you had hoped, but he did not get distraught and Im sure he new.....  :Luv: :hug: :hug:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2617 on: August 17, 2009, 10:27:12 AM »
maybe speak to your vet, I have heard that it is a good thing to let them sniff but if he has dementia I don't know if it will make a difference - when we lost Algie to a rta the others saw him (we thought he was sleeping, he looked so perfect and had managed to get back into the garden) but Tilly still called for him to chase her for several days afterwards (she used to hide in a bush and call to him and he would run after her)    I'm sorry you are having such a horrible day

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2616 on: August 17, 2009, 10:22:18 AM »
one question. Swampy is deaf, blind and has a bit of dementia and neuro problems. I don't know if I should let him sniff Max after we have said goodbye or if it will tip him over the edge. If he doesn't though he may worry constantly about where Max is.  Although they've not really been sat together more than once in the last week, I think he still knows Max is around.
I don't know what to do to protect Swampy and so I don't lose him immediately too.

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2615 on: August 13, 2009, 20:19:49 PM »
More sun vibes being sent.... Mummy not ridiculous, just a practising "cat" burglar!  :evillaugh:

Best of wishes to you all!  :Luv:  :hug: :hug:
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 14:54:00 PM by Bazsmum »

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #2614 on: August 13, 2009, 09:44:57 AM »
sun vibes not arrived, please keep them coming!  It makes me so happy too to see him enjoying himself. I swear the bit he finds most enjoyable is his mum holding him and going in and out that flipping window and he can't even see how ridiculous it looks!


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