Swampy walked straight yesterday and apart from needing help with the loo, he was ok. However overnight he became worse again and this time he's circling to the left and stumbling. It's so hard to know what steroids to give him - if they are helping or not - and we sense that the vet is guessing as vets don't do an awful lot of palliative care as people often give up and go the pts route because they aren't in a position to do 24/7 nursing.
What do you think? thurs he had 1 1/2 steroids and was reasonably ok/stable; friday he spat his steroid (1) so I didn't give him one; yesterday morning he had 1 steroid and was good all day; the idea was not to give him a steroid today but after seeing how he is today, I gave him 1.
I don't know if I should be just sticking to 1 1/2 every day or 1 1/2 every other day as each day seems different as soon as the dose is changed at all - and without any on friday he was good yesterday so I am totally baffled. I do think that NO steroid at all would mean trouble; and the vet did say that cutting the dose can take 1 -2 days to show an effect.
I'm just staying with him today. At least Max has at last got into the igloo with him, which is calming. Swampy is eating btw, just was agitated overnight and seemed to cope worse with leaning left than right - could be because it's worse, or because it's a change from the right hand circling he's been doing so long now.
Btw the steroids take quite a few hours to work so if you give one in the morning, it wont' or shouldn't take effect until some hours later - about 7 or 8 I think (not sure).
Last saturday was the same -he was good and then deteriorated at 2am. Neuro things are weird. We don't want to give up on him as so recently had the same thing and so recently (yesterday) had such a good day. The vet just told me to play around with the dose according to how he is, but of course we don't know if the pills are helping or not.
Sorry to be a bit incoherent but have been up with him most of the night. He did remember to yell loudly when he wanted to poo. But all day yesterday (I didn't post as was so superstitious) he walked in straight lines and found everything.