Author Topic: Swampy: it is his time now RIP little choc-o-late monster my love  (Read 404933 times)

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #533 on: October 01, 2008, 21:51:48 PM »
Hope you all have a restful night  :hug:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #532 on: October 01, 2008, 21:47:28 PM »
Hope you all had a good day and have a restful night on your futon

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #531 on: October 01, 2008, 19:11:26 PM »
I hope Swampy had his ration of sun , we did have some during the prescribed hours but it was still nippy out there.

Hope you get your sleeping arrangements sorted, Swampys throat may just have been dry.

Lots more cuddle and good vibes for Mr Swampy  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #530 on: October 01, 2008, 18:48:01 PM »
Even an inexpensive mattress topper can only be an improvement Kate.  Futons never strike me as very comfortable at the best of times!  :hug: :hug:  Hope you and Swampy have had a good day.  Topping up the healing vibes, and sending a little tummy rub for Swampy.   :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #529 on: October 01, 2008, 10:38:22 AM »
If you have an Aldi near you -they have a mattress topper in i think its this week -memory foam - not sure of price , but memory foam is good - i have one .
You may be able to check Aldi online.
Hope the sun is with you for Swampy today- will send some over from Lincoln.!

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #528 on: October 01, 2008, 09:35:06 AM »
A weeny bit of sun has arrived but his zzzzzness hasn't realised just yet.  If I can place an order for some sunshine, he needs it at about 11 to about 3 please as that's when it's on the (comfy: lol) bed in the bedroom!   ;D He is not too bad this morning, not very active but had 1/4 can k/d breakfast/s. However I'm concerned by the noise he often makes lately when swallowing (not when eating or drinking) ie he sits upright on the futon and licks his mouth (not nausea I really don't think) and makes very harsh, loud swallowing noises -  different from his more usual mucus-going-down swallowing noises. It's more like the noise when a cat retches actually. I'm a bit worried that he has something in his throat, a blockage or something horrible. Of course I can't check as he won't allow it (I tried: dismal failure) and certainly won't allow the vet to look! Plus there's probably nothing we could do anyhow, so I'll try to take it as it comes. Looking after him is a rollercoaster and it's so comforting to have all of you to help me cope with it all.

I already have a duvet on the futon mattress but I'm getting to be an old sheep and not sleeping well, so need a bit more comfort. I'm eyeing a mattress topper (can't get to ikea and they're no longer cheap if you pay for delivery). I will justify it of course by saying that the boys need a bit more comfort for their old bones  ;)   :grouphug: to everyone from all of us.

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #527 on: October 01, 2008, 09:04:37 AM »
Morning, hope that you and Swampy (and Max of course!) had a good night, despite the futon matress being too thin lol!  I used to use a duvet over the 'matress' to make it a bit more comfortable on the rare occasion I slept on one!

Not sure if you've got any sun today, but we have a very sunny morning in Surrey, so will send some your way, just in case.

A ray of sunshine for our little ray of sunshine  :Luv:

Anyway, topping up the  :hug: and vibes again this morning, and hope you have a good day with lots of nom noms and purrs xx

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #526 on: October 01, 2008, 09:03:23 AM »
Hope the sun shines on the brave Swampy today  :hug:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #525 on: October 01, 2008, 07:11:53 AM »
So pleased that Swampy got some decent food inside of him yesterday.  :wow:  :hug: :hug:  Not sure about the glucosamine, Kate.  I haven't heard of any ill effects from using it as a supplement in the recommended doses, but not everyone reacts the same, so might be worth mentioning to the vet on Thursday, and see what he thinks?  Think it's unlikely to have been that, but maybe still check it out.

Poor Max, bless him - what a little tinker!  Am not surprised Swampy was nervous.  :shify: 

And you want a couple of extra inches on your futon?  The end of the world is nigh.....  :rofl:   I  actually heard on the news last night that the Japanese economy is also facing major recession due to its reliance on the US market, so doubt you'll get your extra inches this side of Christmas.  ;)

Topping up the morning cuddles and healing vibes for Swampy.  xxx :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #524 on: October 01, 2008, 05:59:59 AM »
Well done Swampy boy, so glad you are eating again.  Kate will you stop saying you are neurotic and/or worrying for nothing.  What happened to Swampy was serious and you are right to monitor every little thing to help him on his road to recovery.  We are all behind you (as is the cat army) and we are thinking of you and sending all our positive thoughs for Swampy boy.  He is doing so well, all things considered, and it is a testament to the loving care you give to him.  You are doing a brilliant job.  Big hugs to you all today and hope things are calm.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #523 on: October 01, 2008, 00:31:24 AM »
Lots of goodnight wishes for Swampy and hope he has a good nights rest and you too  :hug: :hug:

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #522 on: September 30, 2008, 23:46:51 PM »
Just dropping in to top up healing vibes for the Swampy boy-  :hug: :hug: :hug: to you all and hoping its a resful night with Swampy waking up feeling better and with a good appetite .
Wouldn''t think its very nice when he cant see the paws coming at him -bless him :Luv2: :Luv2:

I was on the phone earlier - just as another cat came into the garden and unfortunately Winston was outside , so being me , when Winston jumped on the fence to go after it, ( i was still on the phone ,so only had one hand free) i picked him up from the fence and i think he thought the cat had gone back round and attacked him- so - i got all his teeth and claws in my bare arm - ouch !
He went straight under my car then which was on the drive and i was still trying to get him in , talk to my sister on the phone and had blood running down my arm!!!
Anyway, he came in and had his supper and went to bed - i know he didnt realise it was me - or at least i hope he didnt - either that or he just didnt want me to get him in !
Anyway , hope tomorrow is a good day for you all.

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #521 on: September 30, 2008, 23:00:06 PM »
Just dropped by to say night night and I'm sending positive vibes to you.

Lynds x

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #520 on: September 30, 2008, 22:48:33 PM »
the sun didn't arrive, but all your wonderful messages have been ppffftt'd on to Swamp  ;D who ate fine today! He had some k/d and then ate 2 little plates of blended RC renal too. I hope this means that he's now definitely feeling better. I'm going to avoid the food I gave him on the day he got sick (neurotic that I am, I note down batch nos!). Max is very chipper tonight and tried to play, which is hard as Swampy seems to want to but can't as he just can't see the paws flying at him so backs off and gets nervous (imagine being blind and having a paw in your face and a bite on your back out of the blue - oops). But here's hoping for a peaceful night for us on our futon* and for all of you too  - mega head butts and  :hug: all round and thanks to all of you (some with hairier legs than others   :)) for your messages of support to both Swampy and his mum. 
Btw is it possible for glucosamine to upset tums as that's the only fairly new arrangement he's been on as well, mixed into his food. He's very arthritic but I've stopped it until I check what it is and speak to the vet.

* someone tell the japanese the world won't end if they add a couple of inches to the mattress  :Crazy:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #519 on: September 30, 2008, 22:19:42 PM »
A late night top up for swamnpoy and some furry headbutts form Jerry and Beavis - Gizzy sends a pppppft as his head butts can be a bit too vigorous for poorly puds! :Luv2:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #518 on: September 30, 2008, 20:09:41 PM »
Topping up the evening hugs and vibes for Swampy.   :hug: :hug:

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #517 on: September 30, 2008, 20:04:41 PM »
Glad to hear the little guy has eaten something and hope he has improved some today. All six furballs are routing for him.

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #516 on: September 30, 2008, 19:44:22 PM »
nor could I

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #515 on: September 30, 2008, 19:34:35 PM »
Swampymaxmum you are an inspiration to everyone in how you have cared for your little man (I know we'd all do the same but still), and how much you love them shines though in your posts. I take my hat off to you.

I wish there was some sunshine for Swampy today.

I couldn't have said it better myself  :hug:
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Offline clarenmax

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #514 on: September 30, 2008, 15:03:52 PM »
We've just had a tiny 5 minute snippet of sun through the cloud cover - its winging its way to Swampy now  :Luv: :Luv:
« Last Edit: September 30, 2008, 15:04:10 PM by clarenmax »

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #513 on: September 30, 2008, 14:53:12 PM »
Glad to hear he's eaten a bit today, topping up the positive vibes!  :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #512 on: September 30, 2008, 14:28:39 PM »
What a brave and wonderful boy xxx

Still sending love, huggles and positive vibes xxx

 :hug: for you Kate - take care Hun xxx
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #511 on: September 30, 2008, 13:39:21 PM »
Please do not apologise for long posts, we all want to hear everything that is going on with Swampy so we know when to send extra hugs as well as the usual daily ones.

Too right!  Well said.

I so agree, we hang on every bit of news concerning Swampy.

Many of us here have our own cats and all those adopted ones belonging to Purrs peeps and they are as much part of our families as they are their owners slaves.  :shify:

Lots more good vibes for Swampy and I cant send any sun either cos we had too much of the wet stuff tipping down  :hug: :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #510 on: September 30, 2008, 12:35:38 PM »
Swampymaxmum you are an inspiration to everyone in how you have cared for your little man (I know we'd all do the same but still), and how much you love them shines though in your posts. I take my hat off to you.

I wish there was some sunshine for Swampy today.

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #509 on: September 30, 2008, 12:03:03 PM »
Glad he's eaten a bit more today, that's got to be a good sign.  Shame there's no sunshine, I'd send some over if I could, but all we have is rain :(

Topping up with some more healing vibes, and some more of these  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #508 on: September 30, 2008, 11:12:25 AM »
Please do not apologise for long posts, we all want to hear everything that is going on with Swampy so we know when to send extra hugs as well as the usual daily ones.

Too right!  Well said.

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #507 on: September 30, 2008, 09:51:29 AM »
Just topping up the positive get well vibes for Swampy  :hug:

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #506 on: September 30, 2008, 09:41:30 AM »
I am glad he has eaten some this morning.  My heart goes out to you as you must be up and down emotionally all the time.  Try not to stress too much (easier said than done I know) as Swampy boy will pick up your vibes.  Maybe as he has lost his hearing and sight warming his food a little or giving him something strong smelling might encourage him to eat more.  However, he is nowhere near as active as he was and his intake is therefore bound to reduce I think (sure someone will correct me if I am wrong).

Please do not apologise for long posts, we all want to hear everything that is going on with Swampy so we know when to send extra hugs as well as the usual daily ones.

You are doing a magnificent job and the little man must feel your love and protection surround him.  Hope today is a good, albeit sunless day, for all of you.

Hugs, hugs and more hugs xxx

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #505 on: September 30, 2008, 09:30:45 AM »
hello and many thanks and big big  :hug:s again. What you are doing, sending him so much love and good vibes, is helping as Swamp ate a bit this morning - k/d, off a plate I held, in 3 brekkers he's had 1/3rd can of the under the bed stash! I am so so pleased but we will be taking it gently today as last night he was feeling a bit off again. I'm eyeing the new tray of k/d suspiciously in case it made his tum sore or something. I stress about what goes into cans, especially with each batch being a bit different consistency,  Chinese ingredients and also the price of rice having gone up so steeply - are they still using top quality rice you wonder?! (Not intending to suggest they are doing anything untoward, just thinking hmmm, hope they are keeping their Q.C. up to scratch). Yes, it's the same 156g size as the a/d and yes, I do manage to weigh him about twice a week. Yes, I give him plain yoghurt to lick and must get in some more as he loves that. I think it helps so not a daft suggestion at all!
The locum vet isn't sure about the Pepcid as it's american formulation but thinks it would be ok. I will give him 1/4 again today as I do think he's starting to have indigestion.

So we send lots of PPPPPrrrrfffffppppppptts back to little Paddy and all his other e-purr friends too. There's dust all around the under bed stash too here  ;) I can't vacuum it too often as the noise upsets da Max (clear throat here  :rofl:).
Swampy's an awful lot braver than I'd have been and is just an inspiration. The day he stopped eating was sunny (gone again today here and is grey) and he was pretty happy, so it is baffling. I have to think his tum just didn't feel well. I hope he's now feeling better but am not counting any chickens just yet.  As you'll have worked out, I could worry for England, gold medal for sure. I have such a terribly close bond with Swamp and can tell when he's not happy but of course can't always put it right.
zzzzzs all round here now as they've worked out today is not sunny :-(    :thanks: and  :hug:  :hug: (sorry such a long post again, eye strain for everyone).
« Last Edit: September 30, 2008, 09:35:22 AM by swampmaxmum »

Offline spinningfishwife

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #504 on: September 30, 2008, 07:32:47 AM »
This may sound really daft and I'm not any sort of expert on sick cats, but the gulping air and swallowing is just what I used to do all the time I was pregnant and had chronic indigestion and heartburn. I assume that's why the vet gave him Peptid? The only thing that worked for me (apart from Gaviscon, which I loathed) was milk and plain yoghurt, so have you tried warm kitten milk or perhaps some goats milk yoghurt? It might sooth a sore mouth as well.

Sorry if this is a No1 daft suggestion, but it worked for me!

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #503 on: September 30, 2008, 07:13:09 AM »
Morning Kate.  Just wanted to say that Paddy has been very busy overnight, sending lots and lots of healing purrs and positive thoughts for Swampy.

Gill's thoughts have followed my own too - as long as he is eating - albeit much less than before - it's a good sign.    Having regard to the fact that Swampy's world is not only devoid of sound now, but vision too, I suspect things might just get on top of him a bit more than before.  Sometimes when people are having to adjust to major changes in their lives, they get quirky too, and have up and down days - days where they maybe don't want to eat, or don't want to get dressed, or don't want to see anyone.  I suspect cats are no different (although of course they're always wearing exactly the right clothes for every occasion  ;)

Try not to worry too much, petal, as long as he's still getting something into him.

Ah yes -and Paddy says not to forget to pass on his whiskery PPPPPPrrffffpppt!  :)   And er - oh yes, he's also very impressed with Swampy's Mum's under-the-bed stash.  Says there's only dust under his Mum's bed.   :shy:

 :hug: :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #502 on: September 30, 2008, 01:47:56 AM »
Just wanted to put in a goodnight hug and get well wishes for Swampy.   :hug:  I'm sorry he is not doing as well as you had hoped.  I agree with Gill that very small meals regularly might be the only way he can eat, at least he seems to want to eat some and has not refused to eat, so that is positive. 

Come on Swampy, try a little bit harder sweetie, you can do it!  Get Well :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #501 on: September 29, 2008, 23:23:13 PM »
Sorry that Swampy has been having a toiugh day , although I must say that I am very impresse that he is getting around so well.  ;D

The two things that sprung to mind have been mentioned  ie sore mouth and because he is not ver active he is not using up the food he has eaten.

Have you tried monitoring his weight or would this be too stressful for him? Cos if he is not losing weight then he is eating enough for him probably.

How big is a can of kd, is ad size or bigger?

It could be that he just doesnt need to eat so much as he did before cos it sounds that he had an extremely heathly appetite. I used to be over the moon if I could get Kocka to eat a whole tin of ad a day, in very small sittings cos it was usually about half a tin and anything else she may desire, like licking gravy from pouch food.

Just another thought , could it be that he was eating a bit too well before. I think it wiuld be great for him to be doing what ever is ideal but it maybe now, that  maintenance only food is best for him. I wish he could tell us how he feels but he seems to be very clever telling you thats enough. Sounds like very small meals regurally might be the only way he can eat.

Lots of good vibes for Swampy tonight and I reckon that every purr you get and every step he takes on his own is the bestest thing in the world  :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #500 on: September 29, 2008, 22:48:57 PM »
. Do you know if it's safe for me to give him Pepcid (1/4 tablet) every day or must it be every 2 days?

Please ask your vet hun, dont take any chances by following any advice other than from him  :hug:

Glad Swampy has eaten a while......
Make sure he gets a kiss from me and tell him he's a clever boy  :Luv2:

Night Kate xx

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #499 on: September 29, 2008, 22:43:05 PM »
Swampy licked up a little plate of 2 tablespoons of smooth, blended RC renal food in a couple of gos tonight from his mum's under-the-bed stash marked "nice food for tough days". I just hope that this means that he will eat a bit tomorrow, but we still don't know why he's suddenly doing this. Do you know if it's safe for me to give him Pepcid (1/4 tablet) every day or must it be every 2 days?
 Thank you again, lovely Purrs peeps and we send purrs and love to you all  :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #498 on: September 29, 2008, 20:06:25 PM »
 :hug: :hug:  Sending soothing cuddles for Swampy.  I would still try and hold out until Thursday, but see how he goes tomorrow.  He's a game little lad, and he might just be feeling fractious.

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #497 on: September 29, 2008, 19:46:06 PM »
It could be his mouth is sore.  Maybe starting with a dental problem (hope not) or he might just be having an off day.  Just keep trying that's all you can do and see how he goes on.  Best of luck  :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #496 on: September 29, 2008, 17:29:10 PM »
vet said to try to wait for thursday as long as Swampy is eating a little, even very little. Obviously if things get worse, he must see the vet. I just fed Swampy - very little. He started eating the blended stuff or rather licking, for about 30 secs then stopped and moved away. So I tried his k/d. He ate for 20 secs, seemed to be enjoying it ok, then got a bit stuck in his mouth and that was that. The paw started. I wonder if his mouth is hurting him, although I don't think that is the only reason. Baffled and just hope and pray it improves asap.

also when he's eaten, he won't purr. Sits looking uncomfortable and if he's feeling a bit yuk. He was full of purrs before I fed him. If the 50 secs sounds like a lot of food, it isn't. It's about 1 - 2 square inches of food off a flat plate.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 17:36:31 PM by swampmaxmum »

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #495 on: September 29, 2008, 16:43:40 PM »
If you did go to the vets, hope all went well  :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #494 on: September 29, 2008, 16:11:23 PM »
Hi hunny,
Sorry you are so worried about Swampy, I wonder though if the reason he isnt eating as much is because he is less active now ?
As you say, he seems happey enough.

Let us know if you decided to pop to the vets

lots and kisses to Swampy as always......
and a  :hug: for you


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