Author Topic: Swampy: it is his time now RIP little choc-o-late monster my love  (Read 404866 times)

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #493 on: September 29, 2008, 13:37:03 PM »
thanks peeps  :hug: this is tricky. He's spent a happy morning in the sun on the bed, so I thought I'd try to feed him a bit. Small plate of k.d (eg 1/8th can or less) - he ate a few mouthfuls then pawed to say enough. So I found some Specifics stinky fish food in the cupboard (in case it's his cold or mucus bothering him) and put a little of that in front of him. He started licking at it but it needs more effort than licking to pick up (more than k/d) so after less than a teaspoon, he stopped and out came the paw and he's moved away, miaowing. I need to get him to eat without making him food phobic (or sick, from trying too many foods at once).
I'm going to try to blend some RC renal - which he used to eat and is liquid - to see if that goes down the hatch at all. I'm beginning to wonder what it could be as it was so sudden - it's very strange to eat his k/d well after such a trauma, eat well yesterday morning and then suddenly despite moving around (I don't think he would if he was totally nauseous????) stop eating. He likes k/d; the vet was amazed that he agreed to eat that in the middle of the night after his seizures and while in hospital on a drip rather than a/d for eg. K/d is soft (for the first few mins anyhow) and has lots of calories too.

I'm warming to the idea of letting the vet have a look at him actually, just in case he has a trick up his sleeve or a vit B jab may help, although again, if Swamp was anaemic, wouldn't he be listless? Do you think it's most likely to be fatigue or nausea? I'm absolutely baffled, based on his recent eating and behaviour. If his CRF had suddenly got a lot worse, wouldn't he be really miserable and wouldn't the not eating be more gradual? And liver he'd be vomiting I think. Feeling green from his mucus/cold is top of the list of suspects, but not sure why now (he's had it for years and eaten) - besides not sure what the vet can do for that which is a huge worry too. He had a convenia jab on 5 Sept so it's quite soon for another one.
I suppose I should try to find the thermometer and take his temp.
I have until 3.30 to decide - they want to know then as his appointment's at 4.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 13:46:38 PM by swampmaxmum »

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #492 on: September 29, 2008, 13:31:38 PM »
Any more news??

More vibes and hugs to you all  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #491 on: September 29, 2008, 13:11:46 PM »
I think as Sue said, see how he goes today. It's difficult to know what to do for the best in circumstances like this, and one of the hardest parts is the thinking there's something more you could be doing. It's not always going to be the case, and it sounds like you're doing everything you can.

Hope Swampy manages to eat more today - sending him a fuss; and sending you, your partner and Max a moral support hug. :hug:

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #490 on: September 29, 2008, 12:08:55 PM »
Is he eating treats?   Maybe try him with something difference, chicken, sardines, tuna just a little to see if he is actually not eating or not interested in the food you are giving him.  Glad he has gone upstairs all on his own.  Clever boy.  Keep us posted and a I think the advice to speak to the locum is wise.  No point in stressing him and putting him through it if not necessary. Best of luck come on Swampy  :hug:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #489 on: September 29, 2008, 09:47:52 AM »
Kate, this is a tricky one, and I can appreciate how you're feeling.

Paddy has a few health problems which, coupled with his age, over the past two years have led to his appetite being affected.  He is often sick after a meal, and it's not unusual for him to lose weight quite rapidly over a few days when he goes off his food - sometimes he won't eat for almost three days at a time.  Because he gets regular vet visits for his other health issues, we've been able to monitor him pretty well, and if things get too bad, he gets an appetite stimulant injection.  However, because of Swampy's liver problems and the brain injury, it's hard to say whether this could just be an off day, or something more serious.

It's doubly awkward for you because your regular vet is away.

I think if you're able I would have a talk with the locum vet, explain Swampy's history and your concerns over the last couple of days.  Emphasise the fact that you don't want to be traipsing Swampy to the surgery un-necessarily, particlarly having regard to the fits he had last time, and the stress he was under, physical and mental.   A locum will generally be less willing to comment without sight of their patient, but he may have some ideas about whether you could safely leave a consultation a day or two, and see how Swampy progresses in the interim.  Obviously you'd monitor him carefully yourself, as you have been doing.  

At least he is still eating a little.   And he's toddled about on his own again.

I think my gut instinct in your position would be to see how it goes today - if he's okay in himself in all other respects (having regard to his recent trauma)  then I would probably not stress him out with a trip to the vet, and would try to hold out until Thursday's home visit.  

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #488 on: September 29, 2008, 09:43:02 AM »
At least he has eaten something, albeit a small amount, some has to be better than none I'm sure  :hug:  If he's doing the gulping it may just be that he's feeling sick and just doesn't really fancy anything, hopefully he'll eat a little more in a while. I guess little and often is the way to keep the food intake up if you can  :hug:

Hope the vet visit is not necessary later on xx

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #487 on: September 29, 2008, 09:38:21 AM »
I hope he eats some more soon and the vet visit isnt needed. How worrying for you but also how great that he's ventured further than before
More vibes on the way
 :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #486 on: September 29, 2008, 09:32:20 AM »
now I'm really not sure what to do, as he's happy within himself but is still off his food - he was sick at midnight a couple of times, then slept, then this morning he wouldn't lie down and sleep (sat upright) & only ate a little bit. To be graphic, he pooed when he'd not eaten enough to warrant it either. We've had about 4 tries at breakfast since 6am and he's eaten def less than 1/4 can in all, probably closer to 1/6th can of k/d and a teaspoon of Max's senior. Just licked at some of the soft bits, making 'holes' in the flat plate where the food's spread out thinly. I've had to chuck a lot so am not sure how much he's eaten, just that it's a lot less than normal. I gave him a 1/4 pepcid. I've been told to be careful with him and pepcid but thought it may help as he was gulping, licking lips and swallowing loudly, just generally I mean, not while he's eating. So I rang the vet to find there's a locum on duty until thurs  but made an appointment anyhow.
Then Swampy wobbled upstairs and down again and  took himself down the passage without crying and plopped on to the other bed which he's not managed before today and the purrs have come back.

So he's lively in himself but is really off his food. OH and I decided that we can't take him down to the vet unless the vet's going to have something definite to do for him, because of the stress, but nor can we just leave him not eating enough either. I've bounced the appointment until this afternoon to see if he eats any lunch.
I couldn't speak to the locum vet, hope he's a good one anyhow as have no idea and he doesn't know Swampy. But don't think this can wait until thursday (how little can they eat and it's ok? 1/2 can?).

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #485 on: September 29, 2008, 09:14:23 AM »
Hope Swampy had a better  night, and has enjoyed some breakfast, purrs and cuddles this morning  :hug: :hug:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #484 on: September 29, 2008, 08:22:33 AM »
Am sending some extra vibes for Swampy this morning, and hoping that he's had a better night.  C'mon litle feller.   :hug:   

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #483 on: September 29, 2008, 05:06:58 AM »
Hope Swampy picked up later on and ate something.  He has had a bad trauma at the end of the day and I am sure he will have bad days.  You could ring the vet to see if he can suggest anything you can do at home.  Love and hugs and looking forward to a positive update later  :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #482 on: September 28, 2008, 23:15:21 PM »
lots of special vibes to swampy tonight and hope he feels hungry in the morning. you are doing a great job with him  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #481 on: September 28, 2008, 23:02:10 PM »
We are all going to send extra strong healing vibes tonight for Swampy  - hope he is eating and feeling much better tomorow :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Please take care -you are doing a fantastic job of taking care of him -he couldn''t be in better hands .

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #480 on: September 28, 2008, 22:31:48 PM »
Sending lots of healing vibes for our Swampy  :hug:  This must be so stressful for you  :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #479 on: September 28, 2008, 21:54:25 PM »
5 mins ago I tried him with a little food, he ate less than a teaspoon and turned away so I tried Max's food (smellier and easier to lick - Hills senior turkey pate) and he ate half a teaspoon then got so food phobic he left the futon and wandered off for a short walk, then came back to lie down. I got a little purr but he is feeling very poorly. Even when just home with terrible liver disease from hospital he ate (L/d:most healthy cats won't touch it). He's very brave and normally does eat, not like Max who won't eat if he's upset about anything at all.
I think I'll leave it tonight and just hope and pray he eats in the morning because if not, he will have to probably go down to the vet. I am so scared to put him in the carrier and take him down to be honest. I keep replaying the scene in my head from when it all happened.
It's a bit of a shock because he was fine up until this afternoon.  Thanks for all your kind words and prayers and vibes for my Swampy  :hug:  :hug: I'll pass them on to his head right now.

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #478 on: September 28, 2008, 21:41:17 PM »
Topping up with some more Swampy vibes this evening, come on little one, have some more food for us  :Luv:

And topping up with some more of these too  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #477 on: September 28, 2008, 21:33:47 PM »

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #476 on: September 28, 2008, 20:58:43 PM »
You are certainly not going on, you have endured the unendurable and you need to vent your worries.  Poor little fella, hope he will perk up soon, he will have off days I am sure and most of his days are progressing bit by bit.  Best just to do what you think and keep an eye and if you have to ring the vet do so.  My thoughts are with you during this roller coaster time and big hugs to you and Swampy and Max too  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #475 on: September 28, 2008, 19:30:53 PM »
Kate.  You're not "going on"  :hug:

Maybe Swampy is feeling a bit depressed today.  It will take him by fits and starts, I imagine.  Am keeping everything crossed it's nothing more serious than that, and hope you can speak to the vet soon.  I think you're being sensible, the less stress he is subjected to, the better.

Am topping up the healing vibes with some extra strength ones, just for this special little man.   :hug: :hug: :hug:

For you too, Kate.   :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #474 on: September 28, 2008, 19:28:14 PM »
problem tonight. Swampy's refusing to eat. He hasn't eaten at all since 1pm when he ate a little bit of a new can - normally by now he'd have had lunch and 2 further small meals. He won't purr either and is lying nose down and just lay there and let Max clean him. He has his cold symptoms, but that's common and hasn't actually stopped him eating before. I'm worried as the vet told me to watch what he eats carefully and to let him know asap if he stops eating. He's had enough today to last him until tomorrow (more than 1/2 can eaten by 9 this morning, only a tiny bit since) but I'm worried about tonight obviously. Sorry to sound neurotic, but he does normally eat. He's been eating a least 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 cans k/d a day on a hand held plate. Today it's under 3/4 of a can, most of it early, so you can see it's a big drop off. He has had a good snooze and was purry until lunchtime when clearly started to feel unwell. I'm just going to let him sleep and try again at about 10.30 or so. I just hope I don't have to take him to the vets tomorrow as he can't do a home visit until the one I have booked on thursday.
sorry to go on.

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #473 on: September 28, 2008, 16:11:14 PM »
Good to hear he's figuring out how to get around and find the sun  :Luv:

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #472 on: September 28, 2008, 12:23:13 PM »
I'm glad he's enjoying the sunshine  ;D  Lets hope it lasts and he can continue to snooze in the sun.

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #471 on: September 28, 2008, 10:23:52 AM »
isn't it just lovely to see the sun? I've told OH we should be living somewhere sunny - Swampy worked out how to get to the bedroom and get on to the bed into the sun all by himself this morning  ;D  The sunshine definitely picks him up a bit and he's having a lovely zzzz. Hope all of your furbabes are as well and long may it last ( know the rest)  :hug:  :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #470 on: September 28, 2008, 09:32:05 AM »
I've finally managed to catch up with most of this thread. I can't believe how much of a freak accident poor Swampy suffered and what you have all been through since. You must be completely exhausted and I think you are doing an amazing job. Swampy couldn't wish for a better Mum to help him through this. He is an absolutely gorgeous boy and I really do hope things make drastic improvements for all of you.  :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #469 on: September 28, 2008, 03:02:12 AM »
Topping up week-end healing vibes and :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for Swampy .
Hope you have a restful week-end and enjoy lots of healing sunshine

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #468 on: September 27, 2008, 18:01:34 PM »
Every moment's so special, especially when he's happy.
  Aren't they just?  :)   Popping by to offer Swampy an early evening tummy rub.  And topping up the healing vibes too.   :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #467 on: September 27, 2008, 14:13:17 PM »
Dropping in to say hello to Swampy  :hug: and to hope he's having a good day.
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Offline bunglycat

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #466 on: September 27, 2008, 00:03:57 AM »
Popping on here to top up Swampys get well vibes and hoping for a restful night and lots of sun tomorrow for you all .
Glad he had a better day - take care and  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to everyone.
You are doing a fabulous job of looking after him.

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #465 on: September 26, 2008, 22:57:01 PM »
thank you so much again and I hope for sun and a peaceful and purrrry weekend for the SwampMax and all the other little furries and their doting slaves as well  :hug: Yes, you are so right Sue, it is one day at a time, sometimes just one hour at a time. I will pass on (via talking to his head) all your lovely messages to my little brown furry when I kiss him goodnight (poor wee man gets about 100 kisses a night). I got a lovely little video tonight of his dad giving him a tum rub and must listen back when I've uploaded it to see if the purrrrrrs came out on the soundtrack. Every moment's so special, especially when he's happy. night night  :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #464 on: September 26, 2008, 22:20:33 PM »
A goodnight call in to say sleep well Swampy and you and have a purrrrrfect day tomorrow  :hug:

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #463 on: September 26, 2008, 20:49:13 PM »
I am away this weekend so wont be able to check in on the little soldier boy until Sunday.  In the meantime I hope he has the best possible days and nights and I will keep him in my prayers.   :hug: :hug:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #462 on: September 26, 2008, 18:41:49 PM »
Just calling in to give a soothing cuddle to Swampy, and a hug to you too, Kate.  All this is very hard on both of you, and your OH. :hug: :hug: :hug:  Am glad Swampy started the day off in a better fettle than yesterday.  Just remember - one day at a time, each day as it comes.   :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #461 on: September 26, 2008, 16:30:49 PM »
Glad to hear he is feeling better - lets hope you both have a nice weekend with the sun out and he continues to improve  :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #460 on: September 26, 2008, 16:28:34 PM »
So Happy that Swampy babe is feeling a bit chirper today  :Luv: :Luv:  :hug:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #459 on: September 26, 2008, 15:51:07 PM »
Please give brave little Swampy a chin rub for me. The poor little thing.


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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #458 on: September 26, 2008, 12:04:14 PM »
oooh how lovely two furries under the duvet with you  :Luv2:

Pleased to hear the Swampster is feeling more cheerful this morning  :hug:
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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #457 on: September 26, 2008, 10:15:05 AM »
More vibes from us.

Glad Swampy has perked up a bit.

You should also be poroud of yourself and for all the care you are giving him, Swampy is a very lucky boy.   :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #456 on: September 26, 2008, 10:02:44 AM »
Glad you both had a good night, and furry futon cuddles sounded fab  :Luv:

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #455 on: September 26, 2008, 10:02:25 AM »
So glad that you and Swampy had a better night - wishing you both a good day xxx :hug:

Love, huggles and positive vibes for Swampy xxx

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Offline Dawn F

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Re: Swampy fell, got head stuck and is in shock, pls help
« Reply #454 on: September 26, 2008, 09:47:08 AM »
glad he is feeling a little better today :hug:


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