hello and many thanks and big big :hug:s again. What you are doing, sending him so much love and good vibes, is helping as Swamp ate a bit this morning - k/d, off a plate I held, in 3 brekkers he's had 1/3rd can of the under the bed stash! I am so so pleased but we will be taking it gently today as last night he was feeling a bit off again. I'm eyeing the new tray of k/d suspiciously in case it made his tum sore or something. I stress about what goes into cans, especially with each batch being a bit different consistency, Chinese ingredients and also the price of rice having gone up so steeply - are they still using top quality rice you wonder?! (Not intending to suggest they are doing anything untoward, just thinking hmmm, hope they are keeping their Q.C. up to scratch). Yes, it's the same 156g size as the a/d and yes, I do manage to weigh him about twice a week. Yes, I give him plain yoghurt to lick and must get in some more as he loves that. I think it helps so not a daft suggestion at all!
The locum vet isn't sure about the Pepcid as it's american formulation but thinks it would be ok. I will give him 1/4 again today as I do think he's starting to have indigestion.
So we send lots of PPPPPrrrrfffffppppppptts back to little Paddy and all his other e-purr friends too. There's dust all around the under bed stash too here
I can't vacuum it too often as the noise upsets da Max (clear throat here
Swampy's an awful lot braver than I'd have been and is just an inspiration. The day he stopped eating was sunny (gone again today here and is grey) and he was pretty happy, so it is baffling. I have to think his tum just didn't feel well. I hope he's now feeling better but am not counting any chickens just yet. As you'll have worked out, I could worry for England, gold medal for sure. I have such a terribly close bond with Swamp and can tell when he's not happy but of course can't always put it right.
zzzzzs all round here now as they've worked out today is not sunny :-(
(sorry such a long post again, eye strain for everyone).