Very many thanks Mark. The vet's not there until wednesday but I'm going to send him an update email anyhow to ask a different question and what I'll do is mention the possibilities. If he picks it up on his home paperwork days, he may have more time to think about what's appropriate. I did tell him that it seems the only UV solutions are single bulb lamps. Perhaps we can combine that with a headpad (if you can put heatpads on futons with duvets on them?!).
I am doing notes anyhow as a pattern has emerged in the last 3 days of Swampy being at his best early on in the morning - finding the food, tray and water and walking in (virtually) straight lines, only to get worse as the day goes on. He's also doing 3 poos a day, not one - with increased eating but not by THAT much. I need to give the info on timing of meds to see if that's linked eg he has the brain med vivitonin at 4.30pm, the steroids at 7.30pm and the fortekor at 10am. 18 months ago he was taken off fortekor as it caused lethargy and diarrhoea. The steroids cause hunger. But maybe the steroid/vivitonin combo peaks in the early hours, or maybe the fortekor makes him feel worse. That last possibility isn't going to go down well with the vet who loves fortekor as it's helped (in his words) "all" his CRF cats except Swampy.
If he came off Fortekor, the vet's concerned that his rising CRF would cause more brain problems too.
Plus if no Fortekor, he has to go on to Istin at a small dose for his bp - and Istin caused his ALT to flare last time.
It may not be meds related but just that he does better in the mornings, but don't you think it's a bit odd?
This am he opened the door with his paw (OH had left it slightly ajar), wandered off down the passage having a good sniff and then came back and had a paw biff (ok 2 secs but still!!!!) with Max. Yesterday evening he had to be helped everywhere and was very distressed.
He's now nicking Max's dry food again (I just let him now). I hope it's not just 'a good morning' but if it is, we are all enjoying it
to all Sorry for the long post, just wondered what you thought too.