not too bad a night thanks as he got up as usual at 1 but settled down after 4 - and could find stuff himself. However he had a bit of a runny tum again and found a few dry bics of Max's which he deposited on the carpet so I had to get up a few times. I just gave him a little i/d afterwards and the nurse thinks that's ok as a one off. Apparently the anti diarrhoea meds are very strong (diarsanyl) and may block him up instead.
He knows the sun is out! He got up and walked down the passage and we had one of our old favourite little games on my knee in the sun for a few secs (mum v v happy). And the pillpopper works a treat on foul tasting, foam inducing steroids. However I just ran it under a hot tap afterwards as can't see how to clean it properly - it's a zooty green and clear one made by Kruuse I think (can't see straight). Do you think that's ok?
I had to order more fortekor and the vet now has a prescription charge of £6.50 so almost all the online savings would be eaten up, so I'm getting it direct from him this time. Apparently that's a new UK vet association reg?! I wouldn't mind as the vet gives me a lot of great phone attention and help, but I have to pay 35% of every claim as Swampy's a "senior" cat. I'm still fighting with the insurance co on the home visits - they agreed to pay for one, but seem to think further ones aren't covered
to them despite the vet saying it would be life threatening to put Swampy in a car.
Enjoy the sun and let's hope for a good, non run tum, non circly day if possible and lots of love from here xx