Swampy sez Hello Paddy an Charlie an all my frienz! I haz eaten bout 5 mousies terday so far. I iz not drinkin so mum sez I must eat mousies a lot. Kissmouse was gud. I haz SAD lamp and heatpad and I sends big NGGGGGGGGGtttts (dat is eyebrow eatin noiz) to all my mates. Iz sleepin now, bye xxxx
He's not walking too straight, except sometimes, for no apparent reason, but he seems happy and warm curled up in that green bed with Maxi and the new catnip banana (it's their rabbit cage, long distance car-travel bed from France) right under the radiator with the heatpad on under them too. If nothing else, the SAD light means I can take photos of them without flash and Swampy's colour comes out better
Happy Boxing day to everyone
xx may it be a good day for all. Sunny here but freezing cold wind.