When I lost my little Chequie
from cancer of the oesophagus I blamed myself and still do, yet any rational observer would say I did my best and of course made loads of mistakes in hindsight. Unlike humans or dogs, cats are extremly delicate, complicated creatures and any sickness seems to be devastating for them. I have never heard of anyone who has done so much for their pussy as you Swampmaxmum, nor such a great fighter like the Great
Naturally no matter how hard you try you will never feel that you have done enough. The rules change everyday, entirely new complications present themselves. If a sick cat was as good as writing as being ill it would be Charles Dickens. It's hard to keep up with all the changes, all the challenges, all the decisions. Hard to know exactly what to do right and having done something after much worry and thought that turns out to wrong one should not blame oneself but one does.
Hugs to you and Swampy, one day he will leave for the rainbow bridge, we all will, and you will have done all you can and more.