Awwwwwwwwww bless her, and you for continuing to spread the word chuck, bless all of you smashing folks.
According to my demographic stats the 0-17 and 18-25 age groups viewing figures has gone through the roof, maybe this is at least in part because of Ewa's publicity. I had one comment politely suggesti8ng that, with 18,000 views in a week, that I was cheating and using a bit torrent booster whatever the hell that is??!!. I replied that I didn't even kjnow what one was and that's the truth but his comment was cordial and tongue in cheek sio I want to keep things like that. The current stats and web searching is fascinating. It seems that quite a few folks around the world are linking it in to their blogs and it's getting a lot of plays from the Asian continent. I'm not sure if the viewable stats update much over the weekend but the back end "insight" stats are showi8ng an amazing 57,000+ views, now that may turn out to be utter hogwash BUT if it is correct and finally updates to something like that then I'm lost for words to explain the video's popularity.
Cheers all and a huge thanks for all your support and encouragement.