Ria and Tia are pretty silent cats, Ria only meows if your going to feed her or she wants a fuss, and even then it's a little meowp.
Tia is much the same really.
But Maggie
she is VOCAL! right now, and for the last 20mins, maybe more, she has been meowing, and meowing and meowing.....She's started doing this is in the morning for a couple of days now. And I'm thinking when she does it in morning it's cos she wants out of the room[still in safe room cos of cat-cat intros] BUT she meows when she sees you/walks in a room/jumps/is hungry/wants a cuddle....Just MEOWS.
At first, much like with Ria and Tia, if she meowed I'd though something was wrong with her, y'know like hungry or whatever, but it's hard not getting myself used to a shrieking cat
Millie is somewhat vocal, but she kitten meowps, and only when you touch her[which is pretty funny]