Author Topic: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong  (Read 2275 times)

Offline Shorty-Leanne

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Re: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2008, 22:19:50 PM »
Maggie and Tia sniffed noses!!!! :yayyy: :yayyy:

It got interrupted by someone heavy footed who insists on butting in on things  >:( :'(

Offline tillywilly

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Re: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2008, 13:10:38 PM »
Loads of people said that to me too, which I did not act on because I was so scared of my cats actions ie she would run away. 
I know I would like a normal life too - me and my husband still often spend the end of eve. apart because my cat is so feed up I take her upstaires to spend quality time alone with her mumy.  Every one I spoke to said they had cats that got on, to my horror I thought I was all alone with this problem until I started taking part in this forum, where with their support I relised I am not alone, some one even said that after 5 years there cats still did not on.

Offline Shorty-Leanne

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Re: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2008, 12:30:56 PM »
So many people who have done intros before are saying to just open the door and let them sort it. And however tempting it is, it's the existing cats that'll do a runner.

I know for sure they pick up on axiety, which isn't helping one bit  :innocent:
I do think Feliway has helped, in the fact that Ria in general, before all this, is calmer in herself when she's in the room with feliway diffuser in it.
I fuss them as much as poss, but unfortunatley Ria and Tia are cats that only like fuss if on there terms/when they're lying down, chasing them for cuddles isn't something they like  :rofl: can't blame 'em to be honest.

We want to take things slow, but at same time too we seem to end up taking it all a lot faster :Dont know:

Thanks for the reassurance and I hope things settle down with your guys in no time  :)

Offline tillywilly

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Re: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2008, 11:51:43 AM »
I feel for you so much.  I have been going through the same thing, I have been very upset with my cat and kitten not getting along.

We got our kitten in March and have only just started letting the kitten have free reign in the house when my cats about.

You can see how slow were taking it.

A couple of things I hope will help, when your resident cat comes it make the biggest fuss of her, try and keep the residents cats life as normal as possible,  my kitten always had his heckles up even to us - so i think it means nothing.  I tried feliway, also I ve tried the Bach resue remedy in the cats food.  I do believe my cat picked up on anxiety which made her worse, so I make a hugh effort to be postive and resuring to her (cat).  Since we have left them to get on with it - not be so controlling - they are better.

Good luck I know you probably don't believe it but it will get better,

Offline Shorty-Leanne

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Re: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2008, 06:57:16 AM »
Oh ok, we were told that longer may lead to new cats becoming terretorial over the safe room :-: we'll not do any intentional intros for a while then.

I thought the eating outside the doors was odd too, but it mentioned it in a rescue cat book, for introducing cats....*rolls eyes* anyway, we won't be doing it in a hurry anymore!

Tia doesnt mind seeing the cats, infact she tends to be outsiide there room ad when we have to go in there to feed them, she's looking in etc. So we can't avoid her either, but Ria is deff not so keen, BUT she is fine with their scent, ignoring it totally now when we bring stuff of theirs out etc.

Thanks though, we'll take things slower :)

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2008, 23:49:48 PM »
Tonight we tried with both resident cats to feed opposite sides of the door baring in mind cats don't eat upstairs so Ria ddnt come in and Tia was already scared cos she was being carried up. At first she was too scared to eat so I moved bowl further away from door and she ate but was alert.

Just on this point - I think you are maybe rushing things a bit and trying to force the issue by carrying Tia up to eat near where the newbies are. I  tend to do the separation thing a lot longer to allow all concerned the be comfortable with the smells and sounds etc, before doing any face to face intros. I've introduced a pair of cats to an existing group and it was probably a good month before there were any face to face intros, but I did a lot of exchanging scents, swapping over bedding etc prior to the meetings. During that separation time, I kept things as normal as possible for existing cats, by not making any changes to their routine.

Then it was a gradual process of leaving the door to the newbie's room open to start with, allowing any of the existing cats to investigate, or enabling either of the newbies to explore further than their room. This was always under strict supervision and only for periods of about 10 minutes, then the newbies back in their room, door shut and have another go later, gradually increasing the times the door was open, but still keeping an eye on things until I felt that all cats were comfortable with the situation.

Its still very early days with yours, just try not to rush things.

Offline Shorty-Leanne

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Re: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2008, 20:05:03 PM »
Me again *rolls eyes*

OK, I'm a little upset and disheartened and confused and unsure and everything else.
This is the first time we're introducing cats ever, we'd never had them before we got Ria 2 and a bit years ago.

We're half doing the wizzcat way, to the best of our ability without mucking our resident cats[not newbies] too much again. Therefore newbies have run of upstairs with barrier across top of stairs, they've had that now, for 2 days prob...Of course we don't do it all day long as we have to go out and the barriers aren't high/too stable. So they come out for intervals.
First night we did this with newbies[might have been second actually, come to think of it] Tia cat came upstairs[help me on this cos I dont know 'cat body language'] she had huge wide eyes, and ears poked up[may have been back at points during it all, but mainly pointing up] she had a scared look on her face, but NO vocals from anyone.

Maggie was sniffing and staring back, and silly Millie kitten had her heckles up  :rofl: Towards middle/end of intro, Maggie was walking into random rooms uninterested and lying down, and Millie was walking around and her too was lying down towards end....Then Tia ran/walked quick down the stairs [[she was on second from top step, so no sniffing noses yet unfortunatley]
After that she was missing for 17 hours, and when came back VERY skittis and wide eyed etc. HOWEVER for first time ever she stayed in ALL night, and was very affectionate. Tonight we tried with both resident cats to feed opposite sides of the door baring in mind cats don't eat upstairs so Ria ddnt come in and Tia was already scared cos she was being carried up. At first she was too scared to eat so I moved bowl further away from door and she ate but was alert. I went into cats room otherwise of barrier[our barrier is puppy play pen panels borrowed from neighbour] while I was in safe room with other cats stopping Millie eating Maggie's food Tia was sniffing the door lots and then made an exit down the stairs.

The problem in all this is very nervous resident cats, new cats are so NOT bothered - I think with them being in the cattery their fine after seeing eachother [they let the non aggressive cats all run about the space together each day so are well socialised with other cats] but our cats are really nervous and skittish.

Notice how Ria hasn't appeared in all this....Her only glimpse and interaction with them really, has been the first intro last week when she was hissed at.

I'm really sorry for this being long :shy:, but never does this before and am worried and panicky  :(

Offline Shorty-Leanne

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Re: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2008, 15:10:10 PM »
Than you very much for the replies. It's comforting to know others have overcome this.

We have just gone out and got Feliway, but already today Ria is a little settled, hopefully this'll calm her more!

We just really want to prevent her doing a runner and acting the way she is now, forever, as she really is not happy and she is more of an indoor sleep on the bed cat usually.

Dawn F - we'd try that method if it was feasable, but a lot of our house is open plan and as it is at the moment, typically, the only room Ria is in is one of the rooms with no dividing through it. But we will try some of the methods in there and try and work it round what we have. Thanks

Offline Feline Costumier

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Re: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2008, 13:13:41 PM »
I have just got a kitten (about 3 weeks now) and this morning was the first time Chilli didn't growl while playing chase and Dave had a pop back.

I was really worried as Chilli went AWOL for three days when Dave first arrived, she was having a major huff.

So give it time, they'll sort themselves out.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2008, 11:26:48 AM »
not sure if  you've seen this

lots of us have used this method with good results

Offline Shorty-Leanne

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Re: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2008, 11:23:02 AM »
Thanks for replying :)

Hoping it won't take too long for her to come round. She was apparently asleep on my mums windowsill last night, which is brilliant news, and this morning was sniffing the safe room door, but now hasn't been back upstairs.

She'd also done a mess in the dining room  :( even though there's a clean litter tray in there.

Will hopefully be able to update this thread with good news very soon  *fingers crossed*

Offline Kirst

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Re: Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2008, 22:07:00 PM »
Beavis avoided the kittens like the plague when they foirst moved in , but he is now back to all his usual haunts and has no qualms about kicking them off his spot now.

Im sure Ria just needs some time. :Luv2:

Offline Shorty-Leanne

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Introducing new cats, gone slightly wrong
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2008, 22:02:08 PM »
Hi, I'm new here so please be gentle :) [I think this is gonna be a long post, so, sorry.]

We have 2 existing cats Ria and Tia [mother and daughter, Ria came to us pregnant from a Back yard Breeder, so has always been with Tia since she gave birth] and on Saturday introduced 2 new cats, Maggie and Millie[also mother and daughter coincidentally], we adopted them from our local rescue on Saturday.

I had read up on introductions etc. and had settled on first week just smells, second week introductions. However I got some advice that should've worked[I think it was personal wrong timing rather than wrong advice] to let our resident cats briefly see the new cats through the gate to the 'safe room' the following morning as the new cats had settled already.
At this brief meeting one of the new cats[older] hissed at Ria and then after a few more seconds of just looking at eachother, we closed the door. Then Tia came up and we did same again, this ended with her running away[she usually runs when sees cats, even outside...but is friendly]

Well, since then Ria is hardly coming into the house :( the most she is doing is the dining room and utility room[where food is], when she is in the house she is asleep, and if not asleep then goes off outside to wherever she so wishes.
Tia is coming in the house more than Ria, and is even coming upstairs and occassionally taking sniffs at the 'safe room' door, but then trots off downstairs.

I just want to know if there's any easy way to 'erase' her from being scared to go upstairs, and to be able to sleep in my parents rooms as she usually does?
Will it just take time? And if so, how much?

I've also heard that the new cats, if left in the safe room for too long, can become territorial of that room...Is this true? And how can I work out a balance between getting existing cats to settle, and not letting new cats get terretorial?

Sorry for all the questions and the long post, it's just that I want out existing cats to feel happy enough to roam the whole house as they usually would :(

Thanks for reading this far if you have.


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