Two calls on Mon - one for a farm with 6 unneutered females (the eldest being 12), and 6 kittens, and a couple with 3 unneutered females and 8 kittens. We are really struggling with rehoming, so very little space, so the best I could do was get neutering vouchers for the females on the farm, and Rachel has taken 4 of the kittens from teh other place, so we have half helped both people, and CP did say they would bear the farm kittens in mind if they ever moved any kittens.
Last night someone wanted to know if we could take his 1.5yo female, as he is moving in with a partner who is allergic to cats, the best I could do was offer advice on Petal Cleanse, as they have tried meds from the doctor, and tell him to keep trying.
I can't actually remember the last time I got a call for an adult, and 2 recent enquiries have gone elsewhere, which really annoys me, as they didn't have the decency to let me know, I had to chase them. I hope rehoming picks up soon, or people stop wanting us to bring cats in, I really hate not being able to help.