Like most I think its gotta be the bed and when I had one cat , she used to take over the bed and now I have four I am lucky cos it only one, the smallest one who decides where I am allowed to lie or put my head. I really cant understand how he manages to take up so much room and why he has to have me facing him.
If I turn over he will bounce over my head and change sides and he like to lie on top of my head with a foot pushing and a tail flapping my face. Failing that he will stretch out to his longest position including tail stretched out across the bed so its impossible to get in without sitting on some part of him.
He will look at me as to say be careful you can see me here, so dont lie on me and then turns away and ignores me.
This morning after a restless night due to lack of space, Franta decides he will move in too and he does it so gently, just a little push here and a little push there, then a wiggle and paws on my arm. If I open my eyes I look into a pair of dark blue eyes and he will then rub my face and give an extra little push and wiggle to get himself in the right place. When I woke up he had gone and Ducha had taken his place, start to think that I am just not seeing the right colours!