Just to let you all know that Tan paid the T.Shirt suppliers and has popped a cheque in the post to me made out to Nine Lives along with one that we can enlarge as I intend to hand it over personally, as they are situated in London, and get some nice pics to share with you all. The T.Shirts should be popping through your letterboxes (excuse the pun)
fairly soon now.
Oh and....
Just when you thought it was safe to open your web browser!
I've added a new scene for the animation
BTW: the cat sitting on the JCB driving seat in the background is my beloved Bridge-Babe "Oli" who makes a few cameo appearances in the animation, like the chauffer of the limo
Please excuse the shameless plug for the mugs but builders 'ave to 'ave their cuppa cha!
PS: Please let me know when your T.shirt/s arrive as I'm keeping a list, thanks.