What's the latest news on Menue, Sarah?
PS I have two unrelated questions:
1) How do you pronounce her name?
2) Call it intuition, or simply marvel at my awesome powers of deduction, but do you have a measure of affection for flightless aquatic birds from the southern hemisphere?
She peed and pooed in the living room lastnight! Once when I was stroking her, she just squatted and started peeing! Then when I went to bed, I left her asleep on the settee, I got up about 30mins later to take some painkillers for my ankle, she had pooed where she had peed. So i grabbed kitty and the poo and put them both in the litter tray and then put a blanket in the kitchen for her and closed the door!
When I got up this morning, she hadnt done anything else in the litter tray, but between then and now she had peed in the tray!
You pronounce her name like Meeeeee Knew! And yes, penguins are o.k. I guess!!