Today has been awful, poor mum cat (Jasmina) was rushed to the vet as the diarhoea kept coming and coming and her temperature was 104 degrees ;she has cat flu but the main concern is sorting out her tummy problems; the poor girl is skin and bone and totally exhausted. She has been taken away from her kittens on vets advice for the following reasons:
1- She would have dehydrated if kittens continued to suckle
2- Evidently kittens suckling mum can produce a hormone which can sometimes make diarhoea even worse.
She has had injections,got tablets ,electrolyte and sensitive food, vet said if she gets any worse she will have to go on a drip.
Her 5 kittens have a vet appointment in the morning.
I think I would have to get a job in an elephant house to clean up more poop than I do now.