Jess is our little one, his an indoor kitten 7 months old. When we adopted him we were told to give him a handful of biscuits and a tin of meat a day but we thought that was alot and he wasn't eating it.
Because we are out the house about 10 hours we can't feed him lunchtime, so i've been weighing out the biscuits in the morning and giving him the meat as soon as we get in, he seems to prefer the biscuits to the meat anyway.
He seems to have put on a little weight since we've had him but not loads, i've been playing with him lots in the evening (running round the sofa good exercise for us both
) so i think i'll see how he goes. Jess only seems to want to eat when he wants to.
I'm lucky with the veterinay advice I work for a dog charity so I can talk to our vet nurse based here, who incidentally said they don't need wet food. Jess seems to drink plenty though.
Oh this being a fur baby mummy is a worry