Jess gets half a pouch of urinary food
Milo gets half a pouch of Felix
Jess gets the other half of the pouch of urinary food
Milo gets the other half of the felix pouch
Milo has has 20g of biscuits to graze on during the day (left on the work top so Jess can't get them)
Jess gets a third of a pouch of urinary food
Milo gets half a pouch of felix
Jess gets another third of urinary food
Milo gets the last half a pouch of felix
Jess gets the final third of urinary food
Milo gets 20g of biscuits which he'll start to eat and then they will be put on the work top over night.
We have a complex feeding routine, mainly because we don't want either mog to eat each others food, Jess has medication in his, plus they have to be supervised when eating. Our behaviorist also suggested feeding little and often, and this is working well with us. Milo's biscuits are JWB.
And yes I'm feeding at 5:30am even at weekends