Author Topic: Emma (vets in practice )book. The truth about cats & dogs! About pedigrees  (Read 4739 times)

Offline Mark

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Glad she's not my vet. If she is like that about dogs, she is probably the same about older cats  :tired:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Millys Mum

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Well, that proves it for me, Den. This woman has no heart and therefore I won't be wasting my time reading her thoughts.  :snooty:

Here here and a perfect time for this icon :snooty:

I think terriers may actually pose more of risk as 'killing machines'

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Well, that proves it for me, Den. This woman has no heart and therefore I won't be wasting my time reading her thoughts.  :snooty:

Offline Den

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I also heard there was slating on greyhounds in the book? This caused alot of upset  :scared:

A few months ago she wrote an article in a dog magazine which was awful. She has operated on a dog which has been disembowelled by two greyhounds, sadly the dog didn't make it. Emma went on to write a scathing article about Greyhounds. She said they were dangerous animals which should not be allowed as pets and they should be killed at the end of racing rather than being rehomed.

Did she really say that?  I can quite understand a vet being angry with the owners for letting greyhounds off the lead and un-muzzled in a public place.  Only a fool would do that.  Ex-racers who've always been in kennels and never lived a proper home-life can be hard to rehabilitate, but not impossible.  I've had a yearning for a greyhound for decades and would love to have one one day.  Maybe once I'm retired *sigh*

Yes she really did say that   :(


I can't find the exact article but have found the following

"The article, ‘Dog eat dog, was written after two ex-racing greyhounds severely injured another dog, which later died. However Emma made the incredibly damaging mistake of using the article and this instance to write a scathing attack against retired greyhounds as pets.

In the article Emma writes that ‘if a breed of dog kills animals on a regular basis, we should be asking whether this should continue’ before claiming that greyhounds are ‘well known for the murderous instincts’. She even asks ‘If racing greyhounds are bred solely for racing, then would it not be more sensible to regard them as we would a cow or a sheep?…at the end of their life, such animals are humanely destroyed…If we accept that animals have no anticipation of death or fear of it, then humane euthanasia at any stage and any state of health can be seen as acceptable.’"
« Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 22:51:56 PM by Den »

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Offline Linda D

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I also heard there was slating on greyhounds in the book? This caused alot of upset  :scared:

A few months ago she wrote an article in a dog magazine which was awful. She has operated on a dog which has been disembowelled by two greyhounds, sadly the dog didn't make it. Emma went on to write a scathing article about Greyhounds. She said they were dangerous animals which should not be allowed as pets and they should be killed at the end of racing rather than being rehomed.

Did she really say that?  I can quite understand a vet being angry with the owners for letting greyhounds off the lead and un-muzzled in a public place.  Only a fool would do that.  Ex-racers who've always been in kennels and never lived a proper home-life can be hard to rehabilitate, but not impossible.  I've had a yearning for a greyhound for decades and would love to have one one day.  Maybe once I'm retired *sigh*

Offline Kirst

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Isnt she the one who was married to Joe Inglis? Knowing him  , having heard some of her views I think i see why the marriage didnt last! :-:

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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All the greyhounds I've ever met have been soppy, lazy and out for a quiet life. You get rogues in any breed or species but to preach a philosophy about a whole breed on ONE case, is poor judgement.  :doh:

There are far too many of these so called experts trying to cash in our people's desire to understand their pets. If only people spent the money on better food or living conditions for their pets, or donate to rescues instead.  :tired:

Offline Millys Mum

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Thanks Den, i knew i had read something about her and greys. Lynns blood would have boiled  :scared:

Offline Canterbury_cats (Sharon)

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In the book at least there isnt anything on greyhounds...Abit harsh perhaps.. But if anyone has read the book they might come away a bit more enlightened on the subject of pedigrees and what we do to them.
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Offline Den

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that's harsh!

It caused total uproar in the dog community. She had to publish a public apology on her website as did the editor of the magazine. There are a lot of people who find her to be over-opinionated and lacking any real knowledge (which explains the bad reviews on Amazon). She did a lot of damage to the Greyhound's image.

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Offline Dawn F

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that's harsh!

Offline Den

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I also heard there was slating on greyhounds in the book? This caused alot of upset  :scared:

A few months ago she wrote an article in a dog magazine which was awful. She has operated on a dog which has been disembowelled by two greyhounds, sadly the dog didn't make it. Emma went on to write a scathing article about Greyhounds. She said they were dangerous animals which should not be allowed as pets and they should be killed at the end of racing rather than being rehomed.

lay me down, let me go, feeling heavy the ground is cold,
lay me down take it slow I'm ready to stumble, sing & then swing low
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Offline Dawn F

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I read an article based on the book a while back, it seemed more about dogs but she did cite persians and exotics with the extreme faces in particular

Offline Bazsmum

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forget the book she looks great  :Luv2:     :evillaugh:

You have been on your own too long Rob!  :heeee heeee:
« Last Edit: July 06, 2008, 19:53:44 PM by Bazsmum »

Offline hOrZa

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forget the book she looks great  :Luv2:     :evillaugh:
Cats are like little bundles of razor blades wrapped in soft fur.

Offline Millys Mum

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I also heard there was slating on greyhounds in the book? This caused alot of upset  :scared:

Offline Mark

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I assume the first few reviews were by breeders. We have all heard horror stories about dalmatian pups being killed because their spots are wrong. Also the breathing and respiratory problems in  some breeds of cats and dogs - all caused by humans.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Canterbury_cats (Sharon)

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Not sure if anyone has read this book, i got it from the library... The Amazon reviews below are horrid, but i actually have got alot from reading it... Its darn honest and probably a good reality check of how vets work.. but she had got alot of blasting from her views on pedigree cat and dogs and welfare, from other vets and Kennel Club and Cat Clubs. The chapter on tail docking is horrendous....

Anyone read it? I would like to know whether its just me that thought it a very thought provoking book (not quite finished it yet).. and although i know some problems associated with Siamese cats (the new thin, lieaner breed ones, and of course the squints) the chapter on pedigree dogs is probably longer and more indepth...

BTW anyone with pedigrees Persians may want to avoid some of the chapters!

I actualy think her heart is in the right place. but in a profession that is hard to invoke the reasons that some pedigree dogs and cats are how they are!

Thoughts pls?
« Last Edit: July 06, 2008, 12:53:32 PM by Canterbury_cats (Sharon) »
Cannot save the world, but if everyone does something we can have a jolly good job trying too....

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