I also heard there was slating on greyhounds in the book? This caused alot of upset 
A few months ago she wrote an article in a dog magazine which was awful. She has operated on a dog which has been disembowelled by two greyhounds, sadly the dog didn't make it. Emma went on to write a scathing article about Greyhounds. She said they were dangerous animals which should not be allowed as pets and they should be killed at the end of racing rather than being rehomed.
Did she really say that? I can quite understand a vet being angry with the owners for letting greyhounds off the lead and un-muzzled in a public place. Only a fool would do that. Ex-racers who've always been in kennels and never lived a proper home-life can be hard to rehabilitate, but not impossible. I've had a yearning for a greyhound for decades and would love to have one one day. Maybe once I'm retired *sigh*
Yes she really did say that

I can't find the exact article but have found the following
"The article, ‘Dog eat dog, was written after two ex-racing greyhounds severely injured another dog, which later died. However Emma made the incredibly damaging mistake of using the article and this instance to write a scathing attack against retired greyhounds as pets.
In the article Emma writes that ‘if a breed of dog kills animals on a regular basis, we should be asking whether this should continue’ before claiming that greyhounds are ‘well known for the murderous instincts’. She even asks ‘If racing greyhounds are bred solely for racing, then would it not be more sensible to regard them as we would a cow or a sheep?…at the end of their life, such animals are humanely destroyed…If we accept that animals have no anticipation of death or fear of it, then humane euthanasia at any stage and any state of health can be seen as acceptable.’"