We had just lost our beautiful ginger tom called Jack, he was very old and decided it was time to go to the Rainbow Bridge for a good rest. Not used to being with out a cat we contacted our local Cats Rescue and yes, they had just taken in 4 litters of kittens. We saw them all and I fell for a beautiful grey and white tom while hubby liked a little grey girl. We couldn't decide so took them both, they were, we were told 6 months old, but I very much doubted this as they were tiny. They had been neutered and spayed. We called them Timtim and Tosca, Timtim became totally my cat and loved to be brushed every day, both have a medium length coat. Tosca shares us both equally but brushing her coat is a dice with which fingers to keep she is a terror
Then one day when we took our poodle to the vet for inoculations we saw a notice on the board for two cats that needed homes desperately. We phoned up and went to see them, there were two black and white cats called Toady and Micky, we took both, well how could we separate them? Micky developed a lump on his left shoulder and it turned out to be cancerous, although it was removed the cancer had spread and we lost him 4 months later. Soon after losing Micky I was driving home one day (we live in the countryside in Scotland) I saw a little black cat at the side of the road. I slowed right down and gave the cat plenty of room, but then heard the sickening thud as the car hit him. He had thrown himself under the wheels of the car. I stopped and went to him, his eyes were flickering, I spoke quietly to him, as I was doing this a lady stopped and she helped me put him into the cage that I had in the car with a vet bed. By the time I got to the vets this little cat was sitting up howling his head off
The vets said they would treat him and I was to phone up in the morning. I went from house to house trying find his owners, but no one claimed him. I put up notices in shops with telephone numbers, no one phoned. The next morning I phoned the vets to be told that the little cat had only road burn on his back legs and was fine. Did I want them to send him to Cat rescue? Oh no, I knocked him down I would take care of him and brought him home. I named him Lucky because he had not been seriously hurt but we had a long journey ahead of us. Lucky was very under weight he only weighed 2 kilos and the vet warned me that he might not survive. When Lucky saw the dish of biscuits he must have thought that he would not get another meal for a very long time and ate the lot
After 2 months he developed a stomach ulcer and needed treatment for that, giving him his tagamet was no trouble at all. Lucky was not used to human company so we let him come to us instead of always picking him up. Eventually he did and one night came up to the bedroom and settled himself at my shoulder. He was nervous and shed his coat copiously. Now two years later Lucky weighs 13 kilos and is a massive cat with a thick coat he has a white diamond on his chest, he still sleeps at my shoulder. Timtim and Tosca are what we call our killers, they go out everyday and bring home something that they have caught to show us, unfortunately it is not always dead and once a mouse escaped, by the time we found it it had had babies and we found 7 in all. Lucky has a wander around the garden now and then but never stays out for longer than a few minutes and Toady once went out and got lost, he has never ventured out since then. The cats have the run of the house and do as they please, we are their slaves to make sure they have all they want.