Author Topic: Crossposted from CC - Derby - Pregnant cat and 4 kittens need placement  (Read 8801 times)

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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The lady that took them in said that there has been a black tom hanging around, so no surprises for guessing who the daddy is. All CSA correspondence addressed to ........... :sneaky:

I have a feeling that he may go missing for a while and return minus a couple of little things!

This is the best approach and no one will know any different, hopefully she can get him sorted out  :hug:  :hug:  Once again, thanks Debbie for taking in mum cat, she really deserves a loving home and no more babies  :hug:  :hug:

Offline dabs

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If she is I'm out that weekend...

Ahh but what a wonderful way to pass a weekend though?

Seriously I too hope mum is not preggies again, it would be too much for her so close to her last litter, however a sneaking feeling says that she is quite advanced, but then again she could be having me on, (I hope).

I will umm and ahh with her for this week and if still not totally sure may well get her back to the vets for a scan.

Thanks for sorting out the little ones and thanks to Dawn for organising this in tru military fashion.  :thanks:

The lady that took them in said that there has been a black tom hanging around, so no surprises for guessing who the daddy is. All CSA correspondence addressed to ........... :sneaky:

I have a feeling that he may go missing for a while and return minus a couple of little things!
Nuneaton and Hinckley Cats in Need

Offline Millys Mum

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OH has almost forgiven me but not quite and yes I'd do it again in an instant! (I'd know which bits of car to cover up though...)

Poor chap having his motor destroyed  :evillaugh:
Maybe next time keep them in the one carrier  :scared:

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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I'm so pleased they are sorted anyway and you're a diamond for helping out  :hug:  :hug:  The pain will start to subside after a few days but I hope they've given you some decent painkillers  :sneaky:  They have something in their saliva that travels through the bloodstream and this is why a cat bite needs immediate treatment.  I'm sort of getting use to them now and I'm full of scars and don't bother so much but if I get a deep one, I always get antibiotics just in case.  I'm glad the experience hasn't put you off, it's a little scarey when your first encounter ends in injury, I think with me, it was my third but by christ I suffered and I'm still here and still as mad as ever  :evillaugh:

 :hug:  :hug:  :hug: to everyone who helped sort out this little family, xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Offline Corporal Smokey

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If she is I'm out that weekend...

They are living at Second Chance. After Jane agreed to take them on she ended up aquiring some more so had full pens and so Jo at second chance said she'd be happy to help out.

Both wonderful people, it was a pleasure to meet them.

The pain's weird today. I feel as if I've been in a car accident or something. I've got bruises all over from crawling around in my car and I'm quite stiff. Think I'm getting old.

OH has almost forgiven me but not quite and yes I'd do it again in an instant! (I'd know which bits of car to cover up though...)
Ashfield and Amber Valley Cats Protection and Cat Chat

True love is rescued. Miss you always Josh and Hope xx

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Great to see you on here Debbie  :hug:  :hug:  Glad mum is okay and praying that she isn't pregnant but it's unlikely with the age of her brood  :tired: You'll have to give us regular updates and  :rules: state we need piccies  :evillaugh:  Lovely talking to you the other day btw and thanks for helping with these babes  :hug:  :hug:

Offline dabs

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I am glad that they are safe. I am the fosterer that took mum and one look at the evil eye I was getting off those kittens when I went to get mum was enough to make me think, they are not going to play by the  :rules:

Mum is doing well although we are still pondering if mum is pregnant again or playing at it!

Took her to the vets and he hummed and aahed, "Yes, she is, I can feel a large kitten, no she isn't, perhaps it is her bladder, but then again, it is too high up for her bladder, perhaps I cannot feel anything there at all!"  :Crazy:

So I have decided to watch her and see. Let's put it like this, she has pinked up, not a sure sign I know, seeing she has just finished with a litter. She is eating very well, will down 4 pouches a day and biscuits and has a bit of a tummy and this is before the extra dinners. Extremely fussly, but again not a sure sign as we do not know what she is like normally and she has settled in a kittening box. So shall we take bets on whether she is or not?
Nuneaton and Hinckley Cats in Need

Offline Millys Mum

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Well done on your adventure, so whens your next one booked for?  :rofl:

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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How are you doing hun?   I hope you're feeling a little less sore today  :hug:  :hug:  Cat bites are the worse, I remember I scruffed a feral a few years ago, omg the pain he inflicted on me, I ended up with a broken bone in my finger, gouges down both my arms and my belly and my arm and hand bandaged for a week and I couldn't drive  :Crazy:  And did I  :evillaugh:

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Are these kittens staying at Second Chance now or are they still going with Jane to the Algernon Trust  :shify:  Either way, both places are fab anyway and well done and big  :hug: and  :Flowers: for being so brave and helping  :Luv2:  :Luv2:
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 03:35:51 AM by Dawn (DiddyDawn) »

Offline Corporal Smokey

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Don't joke you 'orrible lot. Look at the time. I have just got back from A & E, thumb covered in iodine and bandages, a tetanus shot and antibiotics in tow.

Kitten rescue, ur doin it rong.

Srsly though. All of the kittens made it to their new home this afternoon (evening for the one that got away...) which eventually was Second Chance Rescue in Derby. This is the wonderful rescue Ela posted about a week or two ago at risk of closure. It is a wonderful place and the lady, Jo who looks after business there helped me to get the last kitten out of my car.

Three kits were no problem. I shut me and them in the car to change carriers. I didn't realise the fourth little blighter would escape my clutches and make a house in my wiring. Four hours and a catch pole it took to get him out. OH had to drive about five miles with the poor thing wedged in by my hand. We had to dismantle bits of my car too!

Now, if you'll excuse me I'd like to get back to my senior kittizens...

...and my lacerated hand...

did someone say pizza?
Ashfield and Amber Valley Cats Protection and Cat Chat

True love is rescued. Miss you always Josh and Hope xx

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Any news   :)

I think I saw on News 24 that a person by the name of Corporal Smokey is being held hostage by 4 kittens in a garage. The kittens are demanding a Dominoes Pizza with extra Pepperoni, a pint of Jersey cream and a fully fuelled helicopter or the hooman gets it.  :sneaky:

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Any news   :)

I think I saw on News 24 that a person by the name of Corporal Smokey is being held hostage by 4 kittens in a garage. The kittens are demanding a Dominoes Pizza with extra Pepperoni, a pint of Jersey cream and a fully fuelled helicopter or the hooman gets it.  :sneaky:
« Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 19:53:19 PM by Pinkbear (Julie) »

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Any news   :)

Offline Corporal Smokey

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Right I've spoken to the two ladies involved and I'm going in! The kittens will be wrestled at about half four tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Ashfield and Amber Valley Cats Protection and Cat Chat

True love is rescued. Miss you always Josh and Hope xx

Offline madkittyrescue

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you'll be fine! ;)   good on you for helping though CS! :hug:
Sunny Harbour Cat & Kitten Rescue
Covering Fife, Edinburgh & Lothians

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl: I wish I could be there to see it  :evillaugh:  I'm sure you'll be fine hun  :naughty:

Offline Corporal Smokey

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  • Amy, Cpl. Smokey and Lord Chester Red Bear <3
I reckon 2 in 2 might be less stressfull for the kits but I've not dealt with babes like this before. I have a picture of me now sitting in the Hilton Car Park (my hair freshly done for mum's wedding) wrestling cats around my little Polo trying to swap cages over, at the same time trying to avoid adding to my scratched arms so I don't look like I've been dragged from a hedge in my bridesmaid dress...

All in a day's work though eh?  :evillaugh:

Oh and OH has just spray-tanned me so I may well be some kind of tango-ginger-tortie colour by then...
Ashfield and Amber Valley Cats Protection and Cat Chat

True love is rescued. Miss you always Josh and Hope xx

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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 :evillaugh:  :evillaugh:  I'll make sure she has carriers with her and I would think you would get away with one large carrier or maybe better with 2 if you want to put 2 kittens in each, whatever you feel comfortable doing  :)

Offline Corporal Smokey

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Modified to add Are you any good at catching feral kittens?  They are in a shed so shouldn't be too difficult  :evillaugh:

You'll be lucky! I'm a senior kittizen rescuer! I'll try though. Has the lady I'm meeting got carriers? I can borrow some but need to give them back. Also how many carriers do I need? I can see this being fun...
Ashfield and Amber Valley Cats Protection and Cat Chat

True love is rescued. Miss you always Josh and Hope xx

Offline madkittyrescue

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superb guys!  glad you managed to get this sorted.  Good luck for getting the wee family to safety! ;)
Sunny Harbour Cat & Kitten Rescue
Covering Fife, Edinburgh & Lothians

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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 :Flowers:  :cuddle:  :cuddle:  :Luv2:  :Luv2:

Modified to add Are you any good at catching feral kittens?  They are in a shed so shouldn't be too difficult  :evillaugh:
« Last Edit: June 27, 2008, 16:06:16 PM by Dawn (DiddyDawn) »

Offline Corporal Smokey

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I'm here and ready! Let's do it!
Ashfield and Amber Valley Cats Protection and Cat Chat

True love is rescued. Miss you always Josh and Hope xx

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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There's been a change of plan but I'm hoping for a little help off Corporal Smokey which I've pm'd her about  :innocent:  I've had an email off Jane from the Algernon Trust and she's offered to take the little ones.  She's dropping off 3 dogs at Second Chance in Derby on Sunday, so we're trying to sort it to get the kittens to there to meet her rather than her going into the centre of Derby to collect.  She will have done a lot of travelling so I'm hoping there's some way of minimising it with Corporal Smokey's help  ;)  I will update once I hear back from her. 

Update on the mum cat Debbie had to remove the mum cat last night from Claires.  She was getting quite nasty with the kittens so I think she's near her due date.  Debbie has sorted her a pen out and will keep me posted, she said she's settled down well but she's very quiet and timid bless her.  I've spoke to Claire this morning and the kittens are fine, Debbie reckons they are about 14-16 weeks old so are old enough to be away from mum  :Luv2:  :Luv2:

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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If only my other half were easy to get around.  :sigh: I tried asking if we could get a doggie again tonight and his reply wasn't physically possible.  :Dont know:

Lesley, you're a saint. I'm going nuts with just the 2 kittens in the house. But I do know what you mean about Black and Whites. I haven't seen a tabby since last September! :rofl:

Offline Corporal Smokey

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I can do a leg of the driving if you like. PM me. Otherwise can whoever's taking them pm me and I'll slip you a little something for petrol  ;) I feel the need to help as these are local but our branch just can't seem to shift cats at the moment  :(
Ashfield and Amber Valley Cats Protection and Cat Chat

True love is rescued. Miss you always Josh and Hope xx

Offline madkittyrescue

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mmm but do we want to know! ;)  lol :rofl:
Sunny Harbour Cat & Kitten Rescue
Covering Fife, Edinburgh & Lothians

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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its amazing what you can found out about people!!!!!

It's amazing what you don't know about Lesley and her methods of persuasion  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Offline madkittyrescue

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lol... if you need me to take a couple guys and we can sort out transport to get them a bit further north then I can take them. Just let me know! :)

Sunny Harbour Cat & Kitten Rescue
Covering Fife, Edinburgh & Lothians

Offline Dawn F

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its amazing what you can find out about people!!!!!
« Last Edit: June 26, 2008, 16:13:51 PM by Dawn F »

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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I would do anything for my cats apart from that  :rofl:  :rofl:  :evillaugh:

Offline LesleyW

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  Just told hubby about kittens, you know what I owe him now :censored:

 :sick:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

I knew you would use :sick:
Even the smallest feline is a masterpiece (Leonardo da Vinci)

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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  Just told hubby about kittens, you know what I owe him now :censored:

 :sick:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Offline LesleyW

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I'll fit in with whatever you need and if I can cut any of the journey out for you let me know, I am at your disposal :Luv2: :Luv2:.  Just told hubby about kittens, you know what I owe him now :censored:
Even the smallest feline is a masterpiece (Leonardo da Vinci)

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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I've emailed Debbie to tell her you will take the kittens, all I need to do now is sort out some finances to pick them up as I am skint and I've still got to sort Phoebe out for going to Lincolnshire  :shocked:  She may be able to take them all til next week and then I can collect from her, I'll speak to her later and then let you know  :hug:

Offline LesleyW

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I'm definitely going to change my name to the Black and White Rescue Club. :rofl:
Even the smallest feline is a masterpiece (Leonardo da Vinci)

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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I notice there is a Ginger, don't tell me the rest are black and white :rofl:

 :innocent:  I think so  :evillaugh:

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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 :cuddle:  You're a little hun, can't remember what colours they are, I'll have to look  :evillaugh:

GIVE ME A CHANCE TO POST  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You're too bloody slow and I haven't got time  :rofl:

Offline LesleyW

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GIVE ME A CHANCE TO POST  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Offline LesleyW

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I suppose if I don't tell hubby straightaway I could take the four, Tarka's pen is free and is big enough for four.  He keeps moaning at how many we have, but five of them are reserved and someone is coming to look at little Beau on Saturday.  I notice there is a Ginger, don't tell me the rest are black and white :rofl:
Even the smallest feline is a masterpiece (Leonardo da Vinci)


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