Author Topic: Wishes for Quinn  (Read 6538 times)

Offline Sabrina (Auferstehen)

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Wishes for Quinn
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2008, 00:12:23 AM »
2 months ago Harley & Quinn went to live with my husbands parents who have been wanting cats for 4 years (as long as they've known me). 3 days after arrival Quinn was nowhere to be found.

They searched everywhere, we went and searched, friends helped tear the house apart. The village was searched, neighbours told, posters went up, traps set....

Fast forward to yesterday evening, I get a phone call saying they've found Quinn, under the kitchen units (they had checked there and so had we). Apparently she'd meowed loud enough so that they could hear her and promptly rushed her to the local vets.

Quinn is on a drip, dehydration and very thin at the vets but they've advised to pts as brain damage is feared and her quality of life in question. They are keeping her on the drip tonight and feeding her, not sure how this is going to work out. I know the poor thing is terrified, she's not good with people.

So fingers and paws crossed for some form of miracle that she improves.


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