Just picked up two kittens. Supposed to be 9 week old sisters whose mum died RTA when they were two weeks old.
The tabby girl looks about right but the little tortie looks like a malnourished 5 to 6 week old so I'm not sure of the facts......
Vet aapointment booked for tomorrow morning to get them checked over. Have not been treated for fleas and worms in that time and both have fat bellies.
Must say the tortie is an absolute darling and purrs whenever you get close but she's all bones under the fluff and even though she seems bright enough she's just too thin - she's certainly friendly enough to have been bottle fed. I'm glad Judith has her as if I had her here I don't think I would be rehoming her....
Its odd how some cats just get to you.... I shall be relieved when the vets see her, poor mite. If she is 9 weeks then I fear something may not be quite right with her as she is half the size of her sister.
So is this the beginning of the kitten mop up in the middle of the kittening season?