Author Topic: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.  (Read 4033 times)

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2008, 11:17:44 AM »
I've always been very lucky on this front and have never had a problem with peeing, pooing or spraying - I can think of at least three people I know though who always have a mop on standby so you aren't the only one Roz (or Mark)!!   Not very helpful I know but just wanted to show solidarity!

Offline blackcat

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2008, 08:00:40 AM »
A dominant cat doing a large poo in the middle of the floor on a regular basis is just telling everyone that he is boss cat. It is a territorial and dominance behaviour all wrapped up in one pungent parcel

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2008, 07:56:38 AM »
CC, how many trays do you have? Can you put one where he poops - to me, if they always go to toilet in one place, that is where they want to go, so I always put a tray there for them. It used to be behind my TV though!!
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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2008, 00:54:49 AM »
Ted my 5yo still poops on the kitchen floor he has done this since being a kitten when I only had him and his sister. He would have a wee in the tray then go into the kitchen and poop on the floor, and still does to this day  :-:

I cant see any reason why he does this as he is not stressed and top cat here.

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2008, 00:09:37 AM »
I think that if the balance of the household has changed and one is trying to be topcat when another is , then this will produce stress and hence the problem.  Very hard to change and if something has become a habbit and you dont know which cat is the offender then virtually impossible to sort out, I reckon.

How about a vidoe cam in each room , watched on a series of security screens set up with a guard  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2008, 23:53:21 PM »
I've been lucky as the only problem I've had in 11 years is Jaffa spraying twice in response to being mithered by Mosi when he was younger (they are both dominant cats).  Other than that, no inappropriate weeing.  I agree that there's always a reason.  If behavioural, it doesn't always mean a cat is on the edge of a nervous breakdown, but it does mean they feel the need to mark their territory for some reason or are not happy with the facilities provided. 

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2008, 21:44:50 PM »
I don't think it is just something cats do - I have had over 60 cats in the past 5 years, and only 2 have sprayed, Tom was stress/dominance (although his first sample did show crystals), and Rolo is dominance - there are two neighbourhood females who spray, and both do it due to dominance. Fortunately for me, Rolo wont let them in the house, so they have stopped doing it in my house, but htey did used to walk in and spray.
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Offline Roz

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2008, 15:13:24 PM »
Hi MM,

They've been doing it erratically for years....I've just got on with it.  They are all rescue cats except for Jade, my 12 year old Ragdoll.  And I've had them all in for an MOT during the last year (the youngest is 3 - that's Thomas - but all the others are between seven 7 and 12) and each one has been given a clean bill of health.   

And I don't think I'm stressed...knackered :tired:  yes, but not stressed  ;)

I'm more inclined to think that when Dubes, my little bengal died, it changed the dynamics of the group and Teddy emerged as the boss (Dubes was the boss before, bless her) but I think Crystal has designs on the position..... :sneaky:

So I'm thinking after reading your replies that it's the dominance thing.  I don't think they're stressed. Crystal's sitting next to me right now..she keeps sabotaging my work.  She knows I've got her sussed heh heh!

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Offline Mark

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2008, 15:11:53 PM »
Oh Mark :(  I feel I should buy you a new one.  That is so unfair!  I guess she was just trying to tell ya that the year was gonna be a p*ss off so why bother to write it up!

Willow sounds just like whichever it is of mine that is the culprit.  I have a sneaky feeling it's Crystal cos I think she is after Teddy's role.  But I don't really know.  I've seen Pearl weeing on my worktops from time to time...always in the same spot but normally when the door to outside is closed.  There are litter trays around the house....and they are always clean.....but she doesn't seem to feel up to using one.  (Pearl is known around here as the 'love cat' so is soon forgiven for anything she might do :Luv:)

I dispensed with carpets years ago.  I have vinyl flooring throughout my house with just a large carpet square in the lounge and rugs dotted about the place. So cleaning is a cinch really.  And since I have skipped so many mattresses in the past because of Beryl, one of my rescues, who always urinates on the beds if any of the bedroom doors are left open, I now have waterproof sheeting on top of all the new mattresses.  Again, no problem.  (Beryl doesn't urinate anywhere else...only the beds, but I am aware of this and have catered for it).

But like you Mark, I've spent lots of money on damage limitation! And when I think about how much time I spend in cleaning, it's ridiculous....a life sentence!

BC..... :evillaugh: :evillaugh:  ...I feel like I'm making something out of nothing now after what you've had to endure ha ha.  Things haven't plummeted to that level here... yet!  Interesting story though.

I guess it's all part of a slave's life............ :(

Best wishes,


At this moment there is a quite expensive rug out on the rotary drier that gets peed on on one corner. It must have had £100+ of simple solution on over the last few years. I bit the bullet in the week and gave the whole offending area a complete soak in ginger simple solution and waiting for it to dry 100% before putting it back. For some unknown reason. it is refusing to dry despite 3 sunny afternoons in the garden and hanging over a door the rest of the time. If it doesn't work this time that will be another £300 down the drain  :tired:


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Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2008, 14:49:46 PM »
Oh yes subtle stress, me & taz know all about that, i wish he could talk  :tired:

I dont get wee'd on tho so consider myself lucky

Offline blackcat

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2008, 14:44:10 PM »
I have to agree, MM there is always a reason for them doing it. Eventually you may work it out, or you may not. But signs of stress can be very subtle (well, OK there is nothing subtle about peeing). I have innumerable pix of Pavarotti with his housemates that would have you swear he as the most contented of cats - all three tangled up in a sleeping heap and such like. But he wasn't happy, clearly or he would not have been peeing. Sometimes it is not the cat who is stressed, but the owner, and the cat is responding to that stress by this behaviour. But there is always a reason. I spent thousands on cat psychology, and more than on psychologist, to no avail. Until he became an only cat...

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2008, 14:30:41 PM »
I dont agree its just something they do, a behavioural problem they express through soiling the house can become a habit but theres always a reason they start in the first place.

I think you should rule out medical with them roz and get a sample analysed for each one. You dont sound like you have cats that greatly dislike each other.
If they are given a clean bill of health a behaviourist may be able to spot where things arent so rosy. Have you tried different litter types to see if the perp prefers a different brand? The books always suggest a ultra fine clay litter as close to sand as possible. Also if you have all hooded trays try removing the lids.

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2008, 13:53:57 PM »
Binky tended to wee on anything soft and fabric (sofas, beds etc). Our vet thought it was to do with the texture and that Binky felt that was where to go, not realising he was doing anything wrong. Having discussed it with our vet, we agreed it was  not behavioural or medical with him, but a bad habit we never got him out of.

Offline Roz

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2008, 13:24:33 PM »
Oh Mark :(  I feel I should buy you a new one.  That is so unfair!  I guess she was just trying to tell ya that the year was gonna be a p*ss off so why bother to write it up!

Willow sounds just like whichever it is of mine that is the culprit.  I have a sneaky feeling it's Crystal cos I think she is after Teddy's role.  But I don't really know.  I've seen Pearl weeing on my worktops from time to time...always in the same spot but normally when the door to outside is closed.  There are litter trays around the house....and they are always clean.....but she doesn't seem to feel up to using one.  (Pearl is known around here as the 'love cat' so is soon forgiven for anything she might do :Luv:)

I dispensed with carpets years ago.  I have vinyl flooring throughout my house with just a large carpet square in the lounge and rugs dotted about the place. So cleaning is a cinch really.  And since I have skipped so many mattresses in the past because of Beryl, one of my rescues, who always urinates on the beds if any of the bedroom doors are left open, I now have waterproof sheeting on top of all the new mattresses.  Again, no problem.  (Beryl doesn't urinate anywhere else...only the beds, but I am aware of this and have catered for it).

But like you Mark, I've spent lots of money on damage limitation! And when I think about how much time I spend in cleaning, it's ridiculous....a life sentence!

BC..... :evillaugh: :evillaugh:  ...I feel like I'm making something out of nothing now after what you've had to endure ha ha.  Things haven't plummeted to that level here... yet!  Interesting story though.

I guess it's all part of a slave's life............ :(

Best wishes,

« Last Edit: June 08, 2008, 13:26:00 PM by Roz »
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Offline Mark

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2008, 12:30:56 PM »
this is a very common problem.  And seemingly, it does not appear to be always stress related.  It is just the way some cats behave.

I'm glad someone else has mentioned this as I am always being guilt-tripped towards rehoming Willow - although OH won't part with her for anything having had her for 7 years or so and bringing her over from France. I hope she won't mind me mentioning this but when I was at the Siamese Rescue the other day, Brigid pointed out one of her cats saying he was her sprayer and that she had to eventually take all her carpets out because of him. It's pretty much the same with Willow. We estimated that she has caused around £10,000 of damage with carpets, curtains etc. She even peed on my purrs diary when I first got it so I had to bin it  :Crazy:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Roz

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2008, 12:03:10 PM »
Oh yes, forgot to say it is urinating, not spraying!   They're all neutered/spayed.
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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2008, 11:59:24 AM »
Thanks everyone,

But to answer your questions:

The only cat I own who has ever shown any signs of stress is (was) Jet and I'm sure that was the cause of his FLUTD problems a couple of years ago but he is much, much better now since his penilectomy and is really quite relaxed.  However, it has to be said that Jet NEVER urinated inappropriately (except for when he was suffering with cystitis and that is natural) and of all my cats, he is the one I know would never do it.  He is a really good boy. I don't think Teddy would either and he is the alpha male. The boys are doing quite well here so far. ;)

So, of all the rest, I actually think they are all guilty at some time or other. But without any reason. They are a very happy little bunch of cats and are very affectionate and 'chilled'  I am as perplexed as you are.  But I do know from speaking to people about cats every day that this is a very common problem.  And seemingly, it does not appear to be always stress related.  It is just the way some cats behave.

As for the dogs:....well, they are so goofy that the cats actually lie in their beds with them sometimes.  When the dogs notice, they usually leave their beds and the cats then have their huge baskets all to themselves.  So again, I cannot claim that it is dog related either.  I think the dogs are more scared of them!  (English Setter and Golden Retriever).

Thanks for your replies so far..

Best wishes,


« Last Edit: June 08, 2008, 12:00:15 PM by Roz »
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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2008, 11:58:00 AM »
I have 5 cats and never had a problem with this. Although Ollie used to wee on the carpet when he was coming into season, could Noni be coming into season? I dont know her age.

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2008, 11:53:51 AM »
I think it must just be one of the down side of a multi cat household. I have never had any more than two cats so never had a problem, likewise my cat loving friends are all the same.

The only person I have known who has had this problem is my friend who had 4 cats.  It was the dominant female that urinated, and still does, when something new is brought into the hosue. Usually a new rug or door mat or whatever. Drives my friend in sane!!  :Crazy:

I guess I have just been luck (touch wood) as my current two are no problem in that area!
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Offline blackcat

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2008, 11:45:47 AM »
I have had two cats doing this - not spraying, but large puddles of urine in inappropriate places. One had cystitis and so managed to accumulate huge quantities which once released went everywhere. The other was stressed. He seemed relaxed in every way, but was very emotionally needy. He would jump on the bed, stare me in the face and squat. With a very worried expression on his face.

If I was asleep, he would sit on my head and let loose so that I woke to the sensation of warm urine trickling down my neck (if I was lucky!). :sick: :sick:

He finally became an only cat, and lived happily and drily ever after ...

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2008, 11:45:09 AM »
I would guess in Roz's case it is weeing as they can only spray up vertical surfaces. I think there are other reason they do it. Willow was in the study with OH yesterday and he was trying to work and kept putting her down on the floor. She weed on the rug right in front of him and there were no other cats around at the time - it wasn't a spray - she squatted and peed  >:( - she normally seems to do it on fabric things. The other day, I had the box for my new vac on the dining room table ready to put in the loft. For some unknown reason, I had put a tea towel down on it - when I went back later, she had peed on it and it had run into the box  >:(.

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2008, 11:39:14 AM »
Strange that, if they aren't stressed. Does any one of them not like the dog do you think and that's their little protest?

Is any one cat wanting to be dominant but can't be because of another alpha male in the house?

I've only ever experienced urinating inappropriately when they are stressed, but would be interested to know what makes a cat who has no visible signs of unhappiness or stress.

Sorry about your books though  :hug: I know what you mean about getting rid of things but sometimes enough is enough.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2008, 11:36:20 AM »
Inappropriate urination is either medical or behavioural. Is it weeing, or is it spraying - spraying is more likely to be behavioural. Rolo does this due to dominance and marking, so I do understand your frustrations, and it is why I can't wait to find him a home!! Maybe one of the cats is either unhappy around the other cats, or the dogs bother them?
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Offline Roz

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Why do they do it????? P*ssing everywhere, that is.
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2008, 11:28:28 AM »
Hiya everyone,

I'm gonna put out a question that I could have asked years ago but which I have always taken in my stride.  But today I'm p*ssed off with my mob 'cos one of them has urinated over some very expensive art books which were on a bedside table! :shocked:

Can anyone tell me why cats urinate inappropriately when they do not appear to be stressed in any way?  Every day I find urine somewhere that it is not supposed to be....and I always just clean it up without a second thought but today I've decided that this is something that ought not to happen.  I have never been angry about it or even irritated but today I am upset because these books mean a lot to me and now they just stink and all the pages are yellow.  Everything else that they have ruined I could just bin without remorse but not these.

I do not know which one it is....maybe all of them at some time.....but as I write they are chasing each other all over the house, jumping in plastic bags, tunnelling under duvets, batting balls about, and generally having a great time.  In fact, they sound more like elephants than cats. They all eat well and as far as I can tell, are very happy.  I love them to bits but it just occurred to me that dogs always get a bad name for being 'dirty' and cats are always considered 'clean' but a dog, once housetrained, would NEVER think about urinating or defecating in the house.  I'm always washing the dogs' bedding because almost every day one of my cats has urinated in their beds.  I just do this on auto-pilot now and accept that this is the way they are.....but WHY?

I bet nearly everyone on this site has to put up with this behaviour at some time or other.

Any support or ideas would be very welcome.

Best wishes,

Roz 8)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2008, 11:30:23 AM by Roz »
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