After a particularly - er, "aromatic" - night, I'm pushed to ask why, if Bubz has access to the outside, does she insists on using the litter to empty her bowels? Every night! This morning's (or last night's) leavings were so "aromatic" that I didnt need to go into the sitting room to smell it, it wafted through to the kitchen! I'm using an 'el cheapo' litter from Asda at the moment but even the ones that say they minimise the smells dont seem to do a great deal.
And this leads to the disposal .... I've been putting it into the household waste but depending on how often she uses the tray it can weigh the bin bag down consiiderably. At the moment I have a PA who finds Bubz' trays something she can just about manage (cant say I blame her!) so asking her to put the solids down the loo would be potentially very diffficult to manage. I'm floating on thin ice asking my PAs to clean up after Bubz until I can challenge the agency under the DDA, so want a simple option if possible.