Both Sandwich and Hastings are back to see Rob tomorrow. I have a sad feeling we won't be bringing either of them back.
Little Sandwich has not improved at all. No matter what we try to feed her, she only tibbles and isn't eating enough to keep a sparrow going. I am syringing her with the dyhydration fluid 3 times a day, which is hopefully keeping her comfortable. All she wants is to be cuddled all the time and as soon as she sees you, she cries to be picked up and buries her head in your chest and nods off to sleep. We don't mind that, of course, but we can't even get her to eat from our fingers now. We are also expecting her to pass away at any minute and the stress is horrific.
Hastings is now so bloated that he can barely walk. He's also started to be sick, which is worrying. I'm afraid I'm just too scared to look after him at the moment as something is going to rupture inside him before long and it's just going to be horrid, I know.
I'm going to ask Rob to keep him in, that's if Rob feels there are still things we can do for Hastings.
I'm asking myself if we are keeping these kittens going for us, or for them. Ultimately, Rob will decide and he knows we are feeling emotional about them... but I can't keep them going if there is no hope and so far, nothing is working.