Hi, people.

I've had enough, I'm afraid. So far this week, we have taken in approximately 15 kittens. I say approximately because one mum may still be in labour and about to present us with more.

Meantime, I did a quick search through an internet second-hand type website and found 1760 adverts for kittens. Full of despair, I popped my coat on and went down the shops in search of chocolate to cheer me up and found another 4 ads in shop windows. Fired up for a comfrontation, I went in the shop and started having a go at the shop keeper for allowing these ads. The conversation didn't last long as it was clear the woman had never given thought to the bigger picture, and she thought she was doing the right thing and helping kittens find homes.

We in rescue all know that amature breeders are flooding the place with ill breed and sickly kittens, and very often we pick up the pieces. But these breeders only keep doing what they do because they can find people willing to pay. They find them via adverts, either online or in shop windows. If their publicity went, they couldn't find buyers and they wouldn't then go on knowing banging out a litter of tabbies and flogging them for £75 each is an easy way of paying the car tax or gas bill.
I want us all to start a national campaign to pressurize the government to make it illegal to display adverts, either online, in print or in shop windows for pets or companion animals unless you are a registered professional breeder or rescue. We need everyone to badger their MP and national HQs of the CP, RSPCA, Dogs Trust and every other animal welfare group you can think of to get this problem on to the agenda and into debate. These adverts in shops windows would dissapear if the shop owner were to get a £50 fine for each violation. If we can pull the rugs from under these back street breeders, life would get a lot quicker very quickly.
What say you all.... shall we do it???