Ello Every Buddy esp my Unkle Paddyyyyyyyyy ;I am gud tuday and yesterday I was gud too,they made such fuss of me at vets and then they made me sleep while they went pop pop like peas out of the pod; they had a good old look up my ummm botty too
said my bowls very big,well itz needs to be coz of all the poopin Iz needs ta do
O anz yes they put a microchip in me just in case anyones forgets I am Pedro
I az ate 3 sachets since I come ome Nom Nom Nom I wish I ad an udder one
Uncle Olly is his chirpy self this morning, he clung to MumT like he woz superglued to er last night,she ended up out on Busters Bench at 1am to get some air, too much fur not gud fur er youz seez.
MumT been to vet wiz Sugar Plum the big big iss spit tuday coz she is pawly,mefinks medicine will make er better. We ad 5 new ickle ones come in yesturday,zey is all black/white and youz cant tell em apart,ope their bowls are ok cos they ad poop everywheres.
I go to play sum more now, big
to my hero Unkle Paddyyyyyyyy and
to all my lovely friends and speeshul one to Aunty Suepoo.
lots of love
Pedro the pre school kitten.