Uncle Paddyyyyyyy I has been learning a song for you,it was Lily the Pink but dont like that so now its called
Paddyyyyyyy the Purrfect
We'll drink a drink a drink
To Paddy the Purrfect
Saviour of the feline race
For he invented medicinal laughter
Most efficacious in every case.
Sister Marguerita
had sticky-out ears
and it made her awful shy
and so they gave her Paddys medicinal laughter
and now she's learning nom nom nom.
Brother Diablo
Was notably bony
He would never eat his meals
And so they gave him Paddys medicinal laughter
Now they give him meals on wheels.
I am Pedro pre school kitten
And I couldn’t do a poopy poop
And so they gave me Paddys medicinal laughter
and now my poops are biggest in the land.
We'll drink a drink a drink
To our bestest Uncle Paddy
The saviour of the feline race
For he invented medicinal laughter
Most efficacious in every case.
So uncle Paddy I thinking of youz and I sending medicinal laughter to you and lovely Aunty Sue
Get well Paddy my hero
Love and
Pedro xxx