I've just had a MSN from my old boss stating he has a Mum and 3, 8 week old kittens and can i rehome them. On further questioning he has said he cant cope and he's put all of them out on the street (i have no idea yet of how long they've been out and even if he can get them back in
I'm sooo angry and have asked him to get them all back in sharpish, can anyone help us all with these. We can possibily get either the mum or the kits into our reserved placement in Retford which was booked for Tilly the cat in Blackpool, but we can ask her fosterer to hang on to her for a while longer - not ideal for poor Tilly - but it will help in this case, but could do with some support if at all possible..
Its slinging it down here tonight and the thought of those poor kits makes me so mad.