I have two cats, both males, both spayed and both now five years old. I got them both as rescue kittens when they were about eight weeks old. Although not brothers, they had been rescued at a similar time and had been kept together from just a few weeks old and got on well. Everything was fine for the first few years. Merlin my gorgeous little black cat is very affectionate and stays at home most of the time, enjoying cuddles and being picked up. Rolo is a lot more independent, out quite a lot, very friendly. Out in the street he will follow you about looking for pats and attention. He wanders quite a bit and everyone knows him. He is a silver tabby with the cutest face.
About a couple of years ago we started to notice that Rolo didn't seem to like Merlin. The problem seems to be in the summer when Rolo is out most of the time. He will stay away for up to five days, then come in hiss and growl at Merlin, usually swipe at him. He will then go into the kitchen, eat his food (he has dried cat food), then immediately go out again.
Poor Merlin just sits in a corner cowering while Rolo is in the house.
It breaks my heart to see poor Merlin looking so frightened
. I have tried all the usual psychological tricks. I tried spraying Rolo with water when he was attacking Merlin, I've tried making a big fuss of Rolo when he comes in to show he is loved and I've tried ignoring it. With all this I must be sending him the most confusing set of mixed messages! But I did try each option solely for a few months but saw no improvement.
The problem seems to be more in summer when Rolo is away for days at a time. In winter he is in the house a lot more and there seems to be very few problems. Also, when I go on holiday, I keep the cats in the kitchen/diner and a friend comes to feed them and by the end of the holiday both cats seem to be OK. It's almost like in the summer he finds other things to do, wants to come home for a quick feed every few days and finds Merlin's presence annoying.
I really don't know how to solve this. The vet recommended Feliway to calm Rolo but as he is only in the house for a few minutes at a time, I don't know how much difference this will make. It has become much worse recently to the extent that we dread Rolo coming home.
Does anyone have any advice? I really don't want to have to give Rolo away as he is a very affectionate cat, but it seems he would be much happier in a one cat household.
Thanks for any help.