Hello eveyone,
Last night Fergus and Polly were going crazy, running and tumbling around. But it seemed more than just play fighting as they were swearing at each other and there was hissing going on, which they've never done before. It seemed to be Fergus chasing Polly and "attacking" her as it were.
When I picked Polly up I noticed a horrid smell on her fur. I can't imagine she has rolled in anything outside, as she doesn't venture far from the house and the garden. So I'm wondering whether another cat would have sprayed on her and it was that Fergus didn't like, which was why he was chasing her. Does that sound likely? Or am I just worrying too much and they were probably having a fight over a mousey that they both wanted to play with?!
Polly was fine though, not spooked or being funny when she came inside and seemed fine with Fergus later as well, wasn't cowering from him or trying to get away. Maybe they were just play fighting and now that they're older, they've taken it to the next level?!! Just seemed weird that she had this smell on her as well though.
I don't like them fighting, they're usually so gentle and loving to each other