My boxes were all open as well but there was a customs sticker on so quite likely it's because of high security thesedays.
Although WBCL/chick crumb are supposed to be flushable, some blocked my toilet in the attic. Admittedly, it is a compact toilet up there but still
Golden Grey, Extreme (and another one zooplus sell) are fine grain which is supposed to be the best for the cats. It is ultra clumping as opposed to clumping - which is excellent. It is made from a type of clay that turns into a hard gel when water touches it. This makes it so much easier to take out of the tray. I found with chick crumb that the clumps can break up when you take them out but with this, they stay solid. I am really happy with it. The only snag is the weight of the bag. I was going to choose between Extreme and golden grey but can't see any difference really, except the extreme had some 1" sharp shards in so I will probably order Golden Grey in future. I think you can buy ultra clumping in PAH in a big plastic tub so I think I will buy one just for the tub rather than keeping bags around - I think they also have a dispensing funnel?
I am really sold on it. I used catsan for a long time but found in warm weather, I needed to completely change the trays every other day as they smelled. Also one of mine has CRF so does really smelly wees. The new litter takes care of that.
I had high hopes for chick crumb but was really disappointed.