In regards to them only paying set amounts - both my local branches will pay hundreds to try and save cats in their care - some have come through, some haven't, but they have to be able to take them in first, and if they can't, then there is a prob - if no cat rescue can take in an injured cat, and the vet doesn't have the facility to keep them, then who can advocate treatment knowing there isn't a chance of a home and happy ending for the cat? (that might not have been worded quite right, I know what I meant though, but not explaining myself well!). My local branch mainly does TNR with ferals, they have took one in - yet the rescues' local one does a lot with ferals, and has feral kittens in at the mo being fostered. Both have told me how much the branches cost to run, and I can't comprehend having to try and raise that kind of money each year, esp as they dont have high adoption fees - one is only £40, I forgot to ask the other branch, and they dont get help from HQ, they even have to raise wages themselves. i know the rescue's local branch have issues with the call centre, and I do think that is the biggest thing they have to sort out as a charity - but on the taking in cats side, they have a licence for a set amount of cats, which is decided on how many staff they have, and how many they can adequately care for - and if they go above it, they are in trouble, and if they are closed down, that is x more cats needing spaces (in my branches case, that would be 60 spaces less in the area), which doesn't help anybody out, and the cats will then suffer. As a centre where people can drop in, they get a lot of hassle from the public, moreso than we do as we are appointments only and address isn't advertised, so I do think there job is harder than ours.