Sean's dog Noodle had to have a pacemaker fitted last year due to a congenital heart problem. Sadly last week he took ill and his lungs were filling up with fluid. I had a text Friday night to say the vets that were treating him suspected Lymphoma so they were trying him on Chemo. Sunday, Sean had to make the awful decision to have his dog pts, he was his best buddy and went everywhere with him
He did have cancer but a severe form and he would have probably only lasted the week. Sean did the last thing he could for him by ending his suffering and most heartbreaking of all, he also had to remove his pacemaker so it didn't explode when he was cremated. He is absolutely broken hearted, and I hate seeing him hurt so bad, I just wish I could take away his pain and I hope it will soon ease.
RIP Noodle, sweet dreams, you will be missed by all especially your daddy, xxxxxxxxx