Author Topic: Kitten(s)/young cat(s) wanted - Bristol/South West area  (Read 10094 times)

Offline Mama Lazarou

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Re: Kitten(s)/young cat(s) wanted - Bristol/South West area
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2008, 19:19:31 PM »
Thanks Milly's Mum, I will!    ;D

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Kitten(s)/young cat(s) wanted - Bristol/South West area
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2008, 17:07:58 PM »
Naming cats is always fun  :evillaugh:

Let the lady know that the cat can get pregnant again in a few weeks and to make sure she keeps her in until shes spayed.
If theres problems with cost then CP can help and you dont have to be benefits (although most CP sites iv looked at still dont mention this!)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Kitten(s)/young cat(s) wanted - Bristol/South West area
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2008, 20:46:04 PM »
Thats great  ;D

Offline Mama Lazarou

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Re: Kitten(s)/young cat(s) wanted - Bristol/South West area
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2008, 20:44:02 PM »
Thanks to everyone that replied.  I had a call from a lady at work on Monday and her friend has kittens that need rehoming so we have agreed to take them when they're old enough (her cat gave birth on Friday - she didn't even know the cat was pregnant!!).

Anyway should have them mid-July so ... yay!    ;D

We are getting a little grey tabby (best way to describe it!) and a little tortoiseshell!

Have to think of names now!

Mama xxx

Offline Mama Lazarou

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Re: Kitten(s)/young cat(s) wanted - Bristol/South West area
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2008, 21:12:49 PM »
Thank you all for the replies - wasn't expecting them so quickly and hello to everyone!  :hi:

Baby is neutered - had her done at six months and no, I wouldn't let an un-neutered queen/cat outside before they were neutered!.

There is a certain unwillingness to rehome a pregnant Queen due to the possibility that she might give birth to seven kittens!!  That said, I hate the thought of a poor, vunerable cat being in that position and I would be more than willing to take one on, on the proviso that I could rehome the kittens (via a rescue centre bar one/two kittens which I would keep as well as the Queen, and have her neutered afterwards).

I would, ideally, like to have one or two kittens but there are certain cirsumstances in which someone may not be able to keep a pregnant Queen (such as a landlord won't allow it) and I would rather give the Queen and the kittens a good home until they could be rehomed.

Mama xx

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Kitten(s)/young cat(s) wanted - Bristol/South West area
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2008, 21:03:37 PM »
Following on from Gill, consider carefully a queen because vet bills can quickly mount up, they nearly always give birth at night when the vet costs more, a Cesarean would set you back a small fortune  :shocked:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Kitten(s)/young cat(s) wanted - Bristol/South West area
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2008, 20:51:34 PM »
I do have a couple of questions  ;D

Oh  :welcome: to Purrs too  ;D

Is Baby neutered and would you let any new arrivals outside before they were neutered?

Why would you rehome a pregnant Queen, what would happen to the kittens if there were say 7 of them? Would you get the queen and all kittens neutered?

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Kitten(s)/young cat(s) wanted - Bristol/South West area
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2008, 20:51:18 PM »
Most rescues would stipulate that kittens dont go out until they are 6 months and neutered  ;)

Everyone here will say go for 2 kittens  :evillaugh:
« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 20:51:59 PM by Millys Mum »

Offline Mama Lazarou

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Kitten(s)/young cat(s) wanted - Bristol/South West area
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 20:46:55 PM »
Hi there!

I'm new to the site so if I miss anything out, please feel free to ask questions!

I'm a 26 Mum of a gorgeous kitten (under 10 mths) called Baby.  Baby is getting a bit lonely so I would like to find a young kitten to grow old with her.  I would be happy to accept a pair of kittens if you don't want to seperate.

I've had cats for the last 10 years (I moved out of home young) and am very knowledgable so would be happy to take on a "feral"/shy cat.  Baby is incredibly accepting and I think she would be more than a bit curious about any new kittens we had in the fray.  I have also introduced kittens to cats before and they have always been very successful new friends (eventually!).

I live in St George in Bristol on a quiet street.  I have a large 3 bed house with my partner Matt.  His little daughter (3 years) stays with us every other weekend.  She has been taught how to behave round kittens/cats since we had Baby.  I have a fully enclosed rear garden but, obviously, would not let any young kitten go outside until they were at least four months old or, if they were older than 4 months, at least been with me for 6 weeks and confident that they were happy and settled with me before going outside.

I would also be happy to take on a pregnant Queen that needs re-homing.

I don't mind if the cat/s is/are male or female.  Preferably not black or white as Baby is black and white and I'll just get confused!!!  :-)

I'm quite happy to make a contribution of up to £40 for pair and £20-ish for single kitten/cat.  (I would rather not pay more as I will have to buy all new things for them (I didn't like having hand-me-downs when I was little so I make sure my little ones alway have new!!))

As I say, if you would like to ask any questions about me, please let me know.  Likewise, if you have any kitten(s) or cat(s) you think I may be interested in, please get in touch!

Thanks  ;D

Mama L xxx


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