Author Topic: Had a Stow-away in my garage........  (Read 2368 times)

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2008, 11:17:37 AM »
I hope she doesnt pregnant again too, she's such a tiny little girl, and must only be about 2 years old now, 3 litters of kittens would be horrible for her to have to deal with :(

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2008, 10:58:31 AM »
poor thing, I hear it was pretty hot at the weekend - hope she hasn't been caught out by a tom cat!

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2008, 09:05:08 AM »
She's definitely a character, she's also gorgeous and very friendly  :Luv:

She's now had 2 litters of kittens I found out, but they are going to get both of their cats 'done' in the next few weeks.  I did mention that they can get pregnant almost immediately again, but I think it fell on deaf ears........

When I was talking to her yesterday she was holding the last of the kittens to go to their new homes, a little 8 week old girl, jet black with blue eyes .......... it made me sooooooooooo broody  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Mark

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2008, 09:02:04 AM »
She sounds like a real character  :Luv2:

Glad you found her Clare  :Luv2:

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Offline clarenmax

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2008, 08:49:01 AM »
Moornin, well Freda was sunning herself in our back garden this morning and looks fine, so fingers crossed all is well with her  :wow:

That's a really good idea about putting a bowl of water in the garage, I will do that, just in case this ever happens again. 

She is a very nosy little girl though, she always wants to come into our house, and last year got in while I was trying to keep Max inside, shot straight into the kitchen and used Max's litter tray  :evillaugh:  She'd never even been inside before, so heaven above only knows how she went straight for it, little minx that she is  :rofl:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline blackcat

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2008, 06:18:08 AM »
my nieghbours in NZ had a cat flap in the side wall of their garage so cats caught in there could make their escape ... :wow:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2008, 01:21:10 AM »
Kocka RIP always liked next doors bed too  ;D

Offline Angiew

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2008, 00:19:57 AM »
We always had to rescue Fang (RIP) from our next door neighbours bed

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2008, 23:17:57 PM »
We found a neighbours cat in our garage three years ago. He must have been there a couple of days. It has made me a bit neurotic and if the garage has been open I always doulble check :shify:

Offline ChrisB

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2008, 22:47:19 PM »
Same happened to Gizmo but I heard her just in time before our neighbours opposite went to bed.  They kept apologising but it really wasn't their fault - some cats are just so inquisitive - she has also wandered into their kitchen, through the hallway into their lounge and surprised them when watching tv !    Also dashed in nextdoor through the front and into their bedroom.
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Offline bunglycat

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2008, 22:19:30 PM »
Yes, i have had one locked in house across the roads garage many years back.
He didn''t come home in the evening and i heard crying in the distance about 11pm and they were in bed and i was outside under their bedroom window and had my ear to their garage door and could hear him in there - luckily they heard me too and as i walked back home ( literally 10 foot away in our little cul-de sac) , by the time i had got in and resigned my self to telling them in the morning - he appeared at the back door , so i presume they had heard me /seen me out their window and come down and let him out - so he was only missing a few hours thank goodness .

Offline berties mum

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2008, 21:55:24 PM »
Don't feel bad Clare - any sensible cat owner knows that you should ask your neighbours to check garages and outhouses if your pusscat is missing, so they should have asked you straight away instead of leaving it all weekend.  I'm sure Freda will be fine  ;D

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2008, 21:54:40 PM »
Sounds like a good idea bunglycat..... ;D

This happened to my Baz but for 13 days he was trapped in one....lived off spiders and dew on the windows!  ;D :sick: Sometimes they get in through the roof....then cant get back out!  :scared:

Glad kitty was found!  :Luv:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2008, 21:52:27 PM »
Catnapper  >:(  Only joking  :evillaugh:  Glad she's OK, like Sam says if only they'd put a few flyers out she wouldn't have been in there all that time - poor little thing.

I've told J to clean up the garage a bit as well so there's no hiding spaces should she wander in again.

I like your style  :evillaugh:

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2008, 21:50:10 PM »
Maybe you should start to leave a bowl of water inside the garage now in case it happens again and at least she has a drink then.
I leave a bowl outside every night for cats , hedgehogs etc.

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2008, 21:40:30 PM »
I did wonder why they had not mentioned she was missing, apparently she's done this before in someone else's garage as well, so they know she's inquisitive and likes to explore  :shy:

I did say that is she ever goes AWOL again to let me know ASAP so I can check she's not done it again.

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2008, 21:36:27 PM »
So pleased she is back at home and am sure she will be OK  :hug:

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2008, 21:35:16 PM »
Ahhh poor little soul in this hot weather as well!   

When you go over you should mention to your neighbour the importance of POSTERS and FLYERS ... if they had put a flyer through your door on Friday or Saturday you would have no doubt checked and found her.

Glad she is back home safe and sound now.
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Offline clarenmax

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Had a Stow-away in my garage........
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2008, 21:32:12 PM »
Came home early this evening to find my neighbours hanging around our garage door  :-:

Apparently Freda went missing on Thursday night, and they thought they heard her crying ........ the poor wee mite had gone and hidden in our garage  :(

Now, we hardly use the garage anyway, think J must have opened the door briefly to put a bag in the wheelie bin (it was dark), then just locked up again.

Poor baby was in there all over the weekend with no food or water  :(

I do hope she will be OK, I know it can be dangerous to go without food or water, I'll pop in tomorrow and make sure she's OK.

I know its nobody's fault, but I felt awful  :-[

I've told J to clean up the garage a bit as well so there's no hiding spaces should she wander in again.

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx


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