Well my two boys have been with us for just over a month now and they are really settling in well, in fact they now rule the house. In fact I'm only allowed to type this as Tachi has been ever so kind as to lie down on the computer table, instead of playing his normal game of 'follow the mouse'.
They have such cute personalities. Tachi loves to come and sit on my lap and have a stroke, whilst Vader has a preference for Craig.
Tachi prefers strings to the actual toys, unless it's the Da Bird of course and really enjoys attempting to eat our blinds. (Thankfully they are old and horrible anyway!)
Vader has a foot fetish and a bad habit of nibbling toes if you aren't careful. He also loves sneeking into my wardrobe and playing with all the ties on my tops. Little devil!
He is the bolder of the two, but still loves to hide under my printer sometimes.
Both cats love to sleep on our bed with us at night. It's so cute. (not so cute when I get woken up at 5 AM with a cat on my face though!)
We love our boys to bits.
Even if one of them does have hex vision...