Well Maddie has arrived safely and is settling into her room in her own time. She very kindly vacated the carry box after we left her to it so PB has been able to take it back to Canterbury with it (along with a spare one I have had hanging around for a while).
Maddie ignored the three nice comfy 'caves' I had established for her around the room at various heights and has taken herself under a set of shelves on wheels where she has retreated to the furthest possible extent without moving next door, but she seems remarkably calm given the upheavals of the last 12 hours. We have worming meds for her to take in a week's time as well as he relevant certificates and records so, Rae, you will have full records for your vet (well done PB!).
We don't know how old she is but she seems quite a young cat from what I can see. Petite, and dainty without seeming unduly scrawny. Her coat is in good condition, albeit a little darker than last time PB saw her. She is in short
Fortunately my gang are not aware of her presence so am presently being harrassed by Smidgen for his dinner (which the dog ate in the excitement) so am off now to feed him.
Well done PB and all concerned on getting this wee girl home and in a position to meet her old friend. And Rae, about an hour's shorter journey
so wins all around!!!
Photos will have to wait a few days until she is more comfortable with me - sorry guys ...