I know I said outlook seemed good but I changed my mind
For last couple of days his mouth seemed to be swolled but OH said he couldn't see it, tonight he called me through to ask which side and on closer examination his lip does seem to be swollen and now looks like it has a small cut. Decided we are going to the vet I am possibly overreacting but when he was last at vet they took blood said his kidney eynzmes were abnormal and put him on foretkor. Naturally when I found out what it was used for I looked up CRF so I knew what to look for should it get worse.
On their own they don't look like much but together I'm concerned. He has been twitching, clear sick after poo, sneezing and once or twice his legs have kinda buckled (not so he falls over just a tiny little bit) He often seems to be in pain when doing number 2's as he produces quite hard lumps. Coupled with what happened today I'm not risking it, although he ate today he did leave food which I don't think has happened before. He asked for food then left it (gave him more chicken). Most of this has happened slowly over last 2 weeks. I hoping the vet tells me I'm overeacting and too stop calling, or maybe he just can't eat with a sore mouth.
Now I just need to explain to my sister why I may not be able to babysit tomorrow night.....