It's good that she's eating a meal at least. It's such a really awful time for you Gillian so take care of yourself as well as Lucy The convenia should help but I think it takes a few days to start working. Did your vet say it wasn't good for CRF then?
Thank you
Its just that on the Noah compendium site it states
The safety of Convenia has not been assessed in animals suffering from severe renal dysfunction. I was concerned that it had been given to my Suzie with CRF only a few days before she had to be pts, but Lynn explained to me that as Suzie was already in end stage CRF, it wouldnt have made any difference one way or the other really.
Well the good news is that Lucy's appetite is almost back to normal and she's really improved in herself, she's coming up on my lap for a cuddle again (she'd been quite withdrawn) and is much more 'back in the fold'
The bad news is that little Gwynnie started sneezing yesterday
- and she is definitely not her usual lively self. I don't know how much more of this I can go through.