Hello Christine,
I can assure you all that hunting does not appear to have anything to do with their behaviour, there is no quick movement r any of the usual predatory gestures. This is a leisurely munch much like they would do at a food bowl when they aren't starving.
My cats-
I have one "Official" cat - Robin (as in Reliant) who is 3 legged, plus a couple of queens that a neighbour brought and locked in his storeroom till they broke out (one with a little assistance from me) who proceeded to get pregnant and I managed to spay one but I can't afford to do the other so I have the ongoing problem of kittens. Also the "alleged" owner wasn't too sure if he liked the idea of spaying although he neither lives here nor feeds the blessed things any more. But this is Greece and in the deep countryside too where the folk are a bit stuck in their ways and at least 50 years behind anything you may have come across. Puffy is the so-far un-spayed queen and her spayed sister is Hoppy (first seen with infected bite in fore leg, probably a rat, hence the name). Puff's current only surviving son is Sinbad, very nervous, and she is now fairly heavily pregnant again.
They are all out there sunning themselves now and occasionally wandering over for an ant snack while my horses crop the grass around them. After checking out all the excitement at the ant's nest the other day the horses decided it wasn't worth the effort and left the felines to it. One big happy family.