I have a five month old kitten, called Winston. I have had him since January and he has been adorable. However, two days ago he took a dump on a rug, just a few metres away from his litter tray - which I put down as an accident.
However, this morning he again took a dump on the same rug. His litter tray is kept clean, with faecal matter being removed every evening and the litter changed once a week. He has used the litter tray in between these two instances.
He has been to the vet for his check ups and I was assured he is in good health, and the ´jobbies´ on the rug were regular. Finally, I do not use chemicals when cleaning his litter tray just water and a bit of washing up liquid.
This has never happened before and is upsetting me. He´s lovely, full of character, but I can´t stand for this. What can I do? What is causing it?