Tricky one R - Molly is £11 a month, and Zi would have been £14.50 (she is 17) but both are healthy, so no exclusions. What are Tom's exclusions?
Basically anything he has been treated for over past 18 years that can recurr I imagine (not specified anything as such) so Arthritis, anything connected with suspected minor stroke last summer, eye infections (recur from time to time), anything connected with his lumps (prob not a problem as suspect just fatty lumps from too much tuna in the past). That's all I can think of at the moment.
Not covering treatment related to stroke not that much of an issue really as (hate to say it but) vet says not much he could do really so cost wouldn't be the problem
Arthritis treatment is Metacam on and off which isn't that pricey.
I'm not keen on Petplan due to cost and high excess for Tom however I do understand the attraction of a company that specialises in pet insurance. I don't think Axa are that unreasonable tbh increasing cover from just under £10 to just over £17 per month. Just under £10 p/mth for such good cover and £50 excess is very good; after all Tom will be 19 at the end of this year (fingers crossed). However I have to weigh up:
the certain cost of say £17 p/mth and poss £50 excess p/a for insuring non excluded illnesses (most likely contender CRF or teeth at some point but who knows) versus
poss no cost or very high vet bills
Happily, whether or not Tom gets treatment if/when he needs it is not the issue coz wewould find the money, just whether it's worth the gamble of not having insurance.
Me and OH will have the usual discussion when renewal time comes in August. As usual OH will argue the no insurance route but this time I may agree as far as Tom is concerned. I suspect it will end up a no brainer as I can't see Axa keeping the £50 excess for oldies for much longer