Hi folks i hope you are all well?
Can anyone tell me anything about heart murmers and fluid on a cats lungs?
The full story is.
On monday we let the kitties out as normal and they came back just before dark as normal only Freya was breathing really fast and weezing, she has come in looking a bit flustered occasionally so we just assumed that she was a bit flustered and stunned by something. Anyway a few hours later she was still seeming to struggle to breathe so about 11 o clock we took her to the emergency vet and they said she has fluid on her lungs and sounds like she has a heart murmer so they gave her an injection and sent her home with the instructions not to let her out and to make another appointment the following day, we did and they said they had to send her for some scans so tomorrow she is at the vets first thing in the morning for the day. She also has these pills which must be the smallest pills in the world and we have to give her a quarter of one every 8 hours.
Anyway she has always coughed and tonight she had a bit of coughing fit and she is now breathing funny again.
Anyone had this kind of experiance? and what was the outcome?