As some of you may remember from a while back, my oldest girl is hyperthyroid, hunking great thyroid on left hand side.
Well, early hours of this morning, I heard a cat being sick by the cat tray, so I went to check and my lovely old tiny girl was lying in the tray ( after having been sick, she has almost always, if got the urge to honk, managed to make it to the tray ). Completely out of character. ( Well indeed for any cat ).
Anyhow, after we got her settled on her cushion and everything, I was stroking her and noticed the ' hunking great thyroid ' was no more. The lump ( whatever it was ) has burst. Oh ( insert choice swear word ) hell.
This is a cat who was absolutely great at the weekend, trying to steal my babies food when I fed her as she normally does.
She had some water this morning and moved about but things have gone downhill in the last few hours.
Anyhow, she is now upstairs with her cat family, as comfortable as I can make her, waiting for my hubbie to get home early to take her to the vets.
I feel so powerless, I can't drive, no local vets I like do housecalls, there is no-one who can get over to look after my daughter in order for me to get her there before my husband could anyway. I can't leave my daughter with anyone because of her current disability, and couldn't get to vets any quicker anyhow.
Just posting here because you all understand.