Today it is Jamesons 2nd birthday!! We gave him a Da Bird, and boy did it go down with a storm!! He just wouldn't stop playing with it - to the point where he was so exhausted he was panting like a dog with his tongue hanging out - I had to put Da Bird away and the water out! He was getting quite over excited and some of the ''jumps'' he did were quite impressive!
He is now completely exhausted, and passed out in our neighbours garden. We are later treating him to sardines for dinner. Just wanted to say what a brilliant toy Da Bird is - definitely something that needs to be put away while not playing - Jameson absolutely adored it!
Below are links to 2 clips of him playing.
First playing session: session... look at how he proudly ''carries the bird home'' at the end... (pleased it's not real for once!!)[img width= height=][/img]
[img width= height=][/img]