Author Topic: Signs of Old Age?  (Read 13546 times)

Offline gailjackson

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Re: Signs of Old Age?
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2007, 21:19:00 PM »
Here goes again !!
I wondered what everyone's thoughts were with regards to my cat Felix. He is 15 years old and has always been the sort of cat who loves to do his own thing, pottering in and out of the catflap all day and generally enjoying life. Anyway a couple of weeks before Xmas I noticed he'd started to lose a lot of weight from his back end. His hip bones were jutting out and he went a bit wobbly on his back legs if he tried to jump up onto the kitchen worktops. He also had a little cough like he had a hairball that he couldn't get up. Anyway I took him to the vet, who checked him out and said one of his glands on his neck was slightly enlarged, but that the weight loss was just due to his age, and as he was otherwise fine in himself, eating / drinking normally etc. she said to 'see how he goes' and gave me some antibiotics to give him.

Felix seemed fine, although still wasn't jumping up anywhere and stayed indoors rather than going out which is not like him. I also noticed he seems to sleep stretched forwards on with his neck stretched out and his tongue out which is again not like him.

i took him back to the vet beginning of this week and saw a different vet in the same practice. She said that as the cough had gone it was good, and that when she felf Felix she could feel 'lumps and bumps' in his body but that it is to be expected at his age and is not a great concern. I asked about blood tests for thyroid etc but she said that as he has no other symptoms they would probably come back not showing anything and the only other thin g she could do was to do an x-ray for tumours, but again i should 'see how things go'.

My question is, how long do I 'see how things go'? Felix is still eating, drinking normally but he is very bony round his hip bones and down his spine and the breathing with his tongue hanging out is concerning me.

Of course I will take him back to the vets but I get the feeling they do not really think that there are any serious issues and that they are putting it down to old age ....

What does everyone else think?? Please go easy on me as I am very worried about my little fur baby..
thanks everyone xx

Offline gailjackson

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Re: Signs of Old Age?
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2007, 21:06:22 PM »
sorry I just wrote a really long post then tried to add an animation and have managed to lose the whole lot apart from the animation !!!!!

Offline gailjackson

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Signs of Old Age?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2007, 21:04:13 PM »


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