Author Topic: Out at work  (Read 3837 times)

Offline Leanne

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2008, 09:02:02 AM »
Hehe I'd love to see what my boys get up to, I would imagine Hubby would be horrified to sit at a PC and watch them climb up the blinds, all over the telly and scratch the sofa  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Meeko

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2008, 21:21:43 PM »
 :rofl: that is a really good idea, I think he must sleep most of the day as he goes crazy when we get home the little cutie  ;D

Thanx for all the advice though, good excuse to go and buy him lots more toys I think  :rofl:

Offline tiga

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2008, 16:39:13 PM »
I'm technologically rubbish and would never manage to set that up. I could get the guys at work to organise it but they would totally call me the crazy cat lady!

Great idea though.

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2008, 16:29:00 PM »
I signed up for a free website and then you use FTP to transfer the images, the software came with the webcam which was less than £20 if I remember rightly.   I then logged on at work to see what the boys were up to - got a bit of ribbing from colleagues but they know I'm the crazy cat lady  :evillaugh:

Offline Bryony84

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2008, 16:25:52 PM »
Thats a really cool idea, my OH has a posh webcam that follows movement which is already in the lounge, will have to set it up one day and see what they get up to! : Casper's tripod blog and sponsorship page

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2008, 16:20:50 PM »
Mine are on their own, indoors for 9-10 hours in the week. I'd love to set up a hidden camera to see what they get up to.

I did!  I set up Lukey'n'Riley cam, I set up a webcam pointing at the top of their climbing tower and the angle covered pretty much the whole living room.  I obviously couldn't see what they were up to if they left the room but the verdict was that 90% of the day they were.... sleeping! 

My two are indoor only and have a climbing tower, tent, tunnel, scratchy posts and more toys than I care to count plus they have each other to play with so I don't think they get bored when I'm out.  They're always pleased to see me when I get in from work and are usually half asleep judging by the squinted eyes and big yawns that greet me  :)

Offline tiga

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2008, 15:39:10 PM »
Mine are on their own, indoors for 9-10 hours in the week. I'd love to set up a hidden camera to see what they get up to.

I hide dry food and treats around the house and most of it is gone when I get home. I also hide a few of their toys in different places. THey have two cat trees, two fat boy scratching posts,  a tunnel, a tent, various boxes, two water fountains and a tree stump. When I get home the tunnel is always collapsed and the tent is either upside down or on its end. So they do a fair bit of playing but lots of sleeping. They are usually waiting at the door when I get home, for food if I'm honest!

Offline Sabrina (Auferstehen)

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2008, 14:48:28 PM »
Mine are alone 10 hours a day during the week, except Monday’s which we’re out later.

Weekends we are mostly at home, or at least one of us is.

They’ve got a tent, 3 scratching posts, various boxes and lots of windows to look out of. Not to mention all the bookcases they can climb.

We don’t let our out so we make sure they’ve got room etc in the house. As it gets sunnier our sunroom (has a conservatory roof but normal walls) is the room of choice for all the cats as they get all the sun they can handle.

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2008, 14:41:16 PM »
Max is on his own for most the day, although J does pop back between lessons when he has a gap.   I think my boy sleeps most the day, as he seems to make up for it at night and 3am  :evillaugh:

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Offline Leanne

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2008, 14:35:39 PM »
Ours are left for 10 hours during the week,  :Crazy:

But I think they spend most of the day sleeping and doing neighbourhood watch out the window, however they do have 2 cat trees not to mention 3 other scratch posts, a box of toys and a water fountain.

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2008, 23:31:58 PM »
Dylan who is my older boy I think alternates between sleeping, eating and watching out of the window. Hobbes is only 17 months and I must admit I do sometimes wonder what he's been doing while I'm out when I come home to things scattered all over the floor  :rofl: they are both indoor and have lots of places to climb and toys to play with but they do sleep an awful lot. In fact I think they were confused by the clocks going forward as normally they are in the living room when I come home at 7pm but tonight they were still upstairs, they are used to me coming home when it's dark and it wasn't tonight  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Catjane

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2008, 22:42:12 PM »
Mine amuse themselves quite happily, as they have outdoor access during the day :)  They also have a mini chest of drawers which I put different stuff in (it's one of the 9-drawer thingies from Ikea), and they love pulling all the drawers open to see what's inside! (Mostly little toys, but sometimes treats).  They all get on very well together, so I don't think they miss me much until it's tea-time! 

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2008, 22:16:51 PM »
Think mine just sleep when I go out! - certainly seems like they havent moved any inch when I get back home again - do a head count, all in the same place as when I left 'em LOL!  :evillaugh:

Offline Meeko

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2008, 21:40:51 PM »
Ah i hope he doesn't bring in mice I think Rob would have to deal with that  :rofl:

I went back to work today and just felt so guilty but he has lots of toy and scratch post etc so once he gets used to it hopefully he will be ok.

Thanx for the advice though, everyones really lovely  :)

Offline blackcat

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2008, 21:36:37 PM »
mine have a variety of things to keep them amused. They have two climbing towers and several small toys to amuse them when I am away. they also have the dog in the back garden to mess with his head, and the (very) small dog next door to intimidate. They bring me presents (tonights was a soggy, slightly disembowelled mouse on the carpet  :sick: ) and so forth. When I had indoor cats they had similar indoor entertainment (but few mice) and had large plate glass windows through which to watch the world of parrots, rosellas and goannas (which latter are not cat toys). When I arrive home after a long day in London they are usually: Esther at the window; smidgen stumbling down the stairs half asleep and dog either at back door tail awagging or in his kennel, having slept through me opening the door ............. They seem happy.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Out at work
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2008, 21:36:23 PM »
I used to leave Kocka when I was out  at work and she was fine but also an older lady.

I leave my current crowd for up to 10hours in the summer although not everyday but also go away overnight and they are left with timed feeders.

They make their own amusement but they all also have outside access through the flap and their normal toys in the house.

have to say they dont like me going out much and some will sit and watch for the car coming back.

When I am away overnight I have come back to at least 3 waiting by the door, makes me so sad but I gotta get away sometimes.

Offline Meeko

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Out at work
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2008, 21:32:17 PM »
Evening everyone

Hope you have all had good days ;D

I was just wondering if any of you have to leave your cats / kittens whilst you are at work during the day and if you have any advice on how to keep them happy / amused



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